Chapter Sixteen

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Let's Go To Texas
Hayes had went home a few days after the Universal Trip, it had been a very emotional goodbye but Zach pulled Eva together.

It was now Saturday, Eva sat criss crossed beside Tate and Gabbie. This was a usual thing to do for the girls when the guys left the house for interviews. Eva's house was now the headquarters for the WDW boys and girls.

Not that she minded that, she loved that they stayed every night. A sleep over every night as Daniel put it, however the more Eva hung out with them, the less she had hung out with others. Like Katarina for example, Eva hadn't flown to New York to see her girl best friend in so long.

And the boys of PrettyMuch, oh their jealous little beans now. Plus she hadn't appeared in Tessa or the Martinez Twins videos as she would usually do. Many fans pointed it out as they suddenly realized they saw less of the actress and it distressed them.

Eva talked with the two girls, plus a beautychickee on the phone. "My fans miss me and Tessa has a video idea for us and I made plans with PrettyMuch today." She commented as Tate wanted to do a spa day that same day.

"Oh." Tate replied to Eva's comment. "We could always leave-."

"No, I don't mean it like that, I just mean I have plans for the day. And I have something I wanted to ask you three."

"Of course we'll be your bridesmaids!" Gabbie squealed teasingly causing all the girls to burst into laughter.

Eva calmed herself first, "Would you like to move in with me? And Christina every time you come, you'll be livin here."

Tate wrapped her arms around Eva, "I'm down! Another point for me, 2-3 with Brandon." The girls laughed.

"Sure, I'll move in, I needed to find a place anyways." Gabbie agreed with a soft smile.

Christina coughed, "I'd love too." All the girls cheered as the front door opened revealing the boys of PrettyMuch, lead by Brandon.

"We're here!" He cheered as they sat down on the couch behind the group of girls. "We're are the guys of WDW."

"Interview and I have another point, I'm moving in, along with these two beauts." Tate shifted her gaze to Gabbie and Christina.

Brandon rolled his eyes, "I'm still a point ahead of you. But Kat and Hayes surpass us both." Gabbie cocked her head to the side.

"Who's Kat?" She questioned.

Eva perked up, "Katarina Valentine, we kinda grew up together when I moved to LA at six years old. She used to live three houses down but now she lives in New York."

"Wait Katarina the singer?" Eva nodded her head at Christina's question.

Suddenly the door was thrown open again as the Why Don't We boys trailed in. All stopping as they saw their girls surrounded by another boyband. "Um hi?"

Zach sat down behind Eva, throwing his legs on either side of her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Can we talk?" He whispered in her ear, the excitement in his voice evident as he said it.

"Sure, we'll be right back." Eva stated as they both stood up and walked upstairs to the newly shared room. "What's up?" She asked as she sat on the edge of her bed.

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