Chapter Fourty-Eight

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Nevermind, Leave.
Kay and Eva walked up to house tired after their long flight, then dropping off Shawn. It was around 12:00 pm, Eva unlocked her door as they both stepped inside.

Both alarmed when they saw the lights on, till the spotted the nine sitting patiently on the couch. Staring at the two girls, who both froze in shock. Kay opting to run away hadn't Eva grabbed her hand.

"Why are you in our house?" She asked sending them an angry look.

Christina stood up, "You didn't take our key, we just want to talk." She tried to laugh but failed as Eva noticed her red eyes.

"Why are you crying?" The young teen asked worriedly as she walked closer to check on Christina but faltered as she remembered why she was mad at them. "Nevermind, leave! We're tired."

"We're not leaving till you both talk to us." Zach argued but stopped when he saw the look in both girls eyes.

"You don't get to tell us what to do!" Kay screamed as Eva retreated back to the blondes side. "Kay, it's okay."

The group watched the way Eva treated Kay, it showed which girl was more broken by Zach. "I'm sorry." Zach's voice cracked.

Eva looked at him, "You're sorry? Sorry? I gave you everything! More fans, attention, gifts, love. But you didn't care at all-."

"Yes, I did!" Zach exclaimed desperately.

"No, you didn't. Because Zach you came to me. You had her and you came to me, screwed up my perfect life. For what?, to keep you company when the entire time I thought it was real you flew back to Dallas. What did you do, Zach? What did you do in Dallas?"

Zach stared into Kays teary eyes, "I cheated on you." He looked down as the other eight sat on the couch walked to the kitchen table and sat. Waiting for the other three.

Two of which were decked out in Louis Vuitton, "We're going to change." Eva mumbled before taking Kays hand and their suitcases.

"Leave the suitcase!" Tate called.

Eva gave her a confused look, "I'm not gonna run again! I could just call security on your asses." She called back as she continued dragged her suitcase.

The two girls walked into Eva's room and grabbed a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Kay wore the Dolan hoodie and Eva wore Shawn's hoodie. Kay grabbed Eva's hand, "Thank you for everything, for taking care of me, letting me stay here, giving me better friends, letting me model with you. It's a dream."

"Thanks for telling  me everything when they wouldn't and being here." The two girls hugged each other before walking downstairs and sitting together at the table.

Starring the nine down, "Hurry up, I have to shoot a music video in the morning." Eva whined as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Music video?" Katarina asked.

"With Shawn." Kay grumbled as she linked hands with Eva.

Zach's cheeks flushed in anger as he heard Shawn's name, he definitely didn't look up to him now. "I'm sorry I screwed up all of your friendships. And I'm sorry I hurt you both I was an idiot still thinking I loved my first love."

"You're always gonna live your first love, you can't just let them go. Sleeping with them is a whole other level." Eva stated.

Gabbie sighed, "I'm pregnant." Both Eva and Kay looked at her in utter shock. "What the hell? Jack you must have horrible pull out game." The group laughed. "I'll send you a gift basket."

They frowned, "No, because you're gonna be one of her aunts."

"We're not related." Eva retaliated, everyone frowning more. The girl so badly wanted to hung them all and wake up from the nightmare but she knew it was real. Plus she was dating Shawn Mendes.

Kay played with her sleeves, "I didn't mean to hurt you Kay. I didn't mean to screw up your life, to make you sad. I only did it because I was sad and lonely." The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Screw you." She muttered.

Daniel sighed softly, "We're sorry we didn't tell either of you, we just didn't want you guys getting hurt." Eva looked up at Daniels voice crack showing how sincere he was.

"I forgive Dani and Gabbie." Eva replies as Kat threw herself on the table with a sigh, "I forgive you all because now I'm happily with Shawn."

They all sighed in relief except Zach, he was a bit broken, he saw Amelia when he and Eva flew out to Dallas. He told the girl he couldn't ever see her again as more than friends and suddenly he was pinned to her door. She was kissing him, he tried to pull away but she kept persisting.

Suddenly she was on him, kissing his neck and eventually he got her off. "I said were done!" Then he and Eva broke up, he got with Kay but needed more, so he went back to Amelia.

Kay found out and Amelia told she had sex with Zach, but their friends knew the truth, he told them. So they kept it a secret to not tell Eva because the girl was going through so much stress already.

So when Zeva was together again, she tried to ruin it by being mean, but then went nice till she could get to LA. She told Eva what she found out and Zeva was done again.

Zach was broken, he simply didn't want to hurt Amelia badly or hit her to get her off of him. But instead he lost the girl he loved.

Eva looked to Kay who was half asleep, "I'll forgive you guys too." She whispered softly.

"Come on." Eva helped her up and began to drag the blonde upstairs before Corbyn came to the rescues and carried her to her room.

Eva sat down on her couch as she texted Shawn what had happened. And saying she was gonna go to bed. She put her phone away but ended up on Netflix.

Her friends all settled on the same spots they were the first night they had all spent together. Zach sitting by her socked feet as Milan began to play. Eva snuggled into her hoodie before they all fell asleep.


Kay and Eva seeing the group waiting for them patiently on their couch

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Kay and Eva seeing the group waiting for them patiently on their couch.

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