Chapter Five

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The Flashback

Eva read the Twitter tweet from WDWNEWS with an unexplainable expression on her face

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Eva read the Twitter tweet from WDWNEWS with an unexplainable expression on her face. Her mind raced a mile a minute.

'Had Zach really been staring at me at the party? Did I like him? Does he like me? Does everyone really ship it? Why was I worrying so much?! Oh right because of what had happened with Matt.' All these thoughts ran through Eva's head as a memory played in her head.

"Matt seriously, what the hell!?" Eva screamed as tears streamed down her face. The boy immediately pulled away from the girl in front of him.

His eyes widened seeing his 16 year old girlfriend, "Eva! What the hell are you doing here?"

She scoffed waving the girl her boyfriend was with away, who scoffed, "What am I doing here? What were you doing? Could you seriously not wait for me to be ready?" Her voice cracked.

Matt's eyes softened, "Look Evs, I was going to break up with you-." She whimpered at his words, "Eva! Stop, look I'm gonna be 19 soon and our age difference-."

"Three Years Matt! Wasn't my love fuckin enough got you!-." She exclaimed gaining the attention of other members of Magcon.

"No, baby it's more than enough it's just I can't be with you anymore, and it's no-."

She cut him off, "It's not you, it's me! Are you serious right now!, what the hells wrong with you. I'm 16 not an idiot."

Her body racked with sobs, Jack Gilinsky came to rescue and grabbed her waist. Swiftly picking her up and pulling her out of the party that she wasn't supposed to be in.

"I hate you, Matt!" She screamed out but her voice cracked. As Jack set her down she looked around motioning for the other boy to come over. Jack looked over and noticed Hayes.

Hayes jingled his keys at Jack, "I got her." Hayes was Eva's Best Friend in Magcon, as they were the youngest.

Jack rolled his eyes, "You shouldn't have brought her here, hows you get in anyways?" He questioned looking down at the girl.

"I said I needed to disturb a cheating boyfriend." She shrugged softly as she took Hayes hand. "Thanks Jack." Quickly letting go of Hayes she pulled Jack into a hug before going back to Hayes who began walking her down the street toward the car.

Flashback Over
Shaking her head she pulled away from her thoughts as Zach entered the room again. "Did you see the Twitter post?" She questioned giving him a soft smile as he sat beside her.

He nodded a faint blush on his cheeks, "Yeah, #Zeva." The comment made her laugh slightly as her thoughts from earlier came to mind.

"Sure Zach, #Zeva." She smiled again at him before turning to the others who came in with IHOP pancakes. A thankful sigh escaped her lips as Daniel handed her, her pancakes.

Zach and Eva sat beside each other on the floor of her living room causing Christina to smirk. Eva lifted an eyebrow at her new found friend, who only held a smirk before speaking.

"So Zach, Eva when are you guys gonna go out?" She suddenly causing Zach to choke on his pancakes, Eva quickly hitting his back.

When Zach stopped coughing, he shared a look with Eva, "What do you mean, Christina?" He questioned.

Daniel scoffed suddenly joining the conversation, "Well it's obvious you two like each other! Hell you two were all cuddled up last night and you're literally feeding each other pieces of your pancakes."

Eva dropped her fork, "Are not!" She protested with a soft pout.

Zach admired the look on her face, he thought she was so adorable. But wondered if it was possible for her to even remotely like him back.

"Do too! Come on guys just admit it." Jonah fires back at the her, who sunk into Zach's side.

Corbyn sensed the pairs discomfort so he changed the subject, "So Jack, when are you gonna ask Gabbie to be your official girlfriend?" He questioned causing everyone to look at the silent Jack.

A new conversation erupted between all of them as Zach threw Corbyn a thankful glance, who nodded. Eva watched the boys exchange and looked away quickly, turning back to Jack.

A grin on her face as she leaned into Zach, who smiled down at the girl in his arms. Soon Zach finally decided, he was gonna ask this girl out.

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