Chapter Thirty-Five

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So how was it kissing Tom Holland?
Eva smiled softly as she slipped into her tight fitting, maroon dress. She glanced in the mirror before deciding to go through the struggles of putting on black strap heels that went to her ankle.

The girl looked gorgeous but she was more scared for Zach to see them movie and all the kiss scenes with her and another boy. A boy that had been called hottest man of 2018. She fixed her highlight before grabbing her phone slipping it into a matching Versace bag.

Opening her door and closing it she made the walk down the stairs, pecking over the railing to see everyone ready and waiting for her. Tom, Harrison and Stephanie also waiting to go. With a sigh she walked down the stairs all eyes going to her.

"Sorry I took so long, it was the shoes." She moved the slit in the middle of the dress to show her black heels. The group laughed but Zach stared at her.

Walking over to her, he took her hand as they all walked outside towards the limo. Eva locked her door before looking at Zach, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Cause your beautiful." He replied kissing her cheek softly, a blush rising on her cheeks.

"Did you just quote The Fault in Our Stars?" She asked before they got into the limo and got to their spot that everyone knew was theirs and only theirs. "Maybe." Zach replied with a soft smile as she took his hand.

Everyone made conversation about the movie, except for Zach and Eva who kept hitting Zach when he would mess with the slit by her thighs. Christina stared at the youngest couple in the limo as she nudge her Bean.

Soon enough the whole limo was staring at them with smiles. Eva being the first to notice as Zach kept playing with the dress. "What?" She asked gaining Zach's attention.

The two looked at each other in confusion as Stephanie rolled her eyes playfully, "Nothibg its just you two are the definition of couples goals." She answered with a shrug as Zach and Eva blushed.

"Corbina is." They replied in unison as the others rolled their eyes at them.

Tate smiled as she fixed her dark blue dress, "They are, but you two are on another level."

Eva crossed her arms from embarrassment, "No we're not."

"Literally a few days ago you walked in on Kat and Daniel kissing, told them use protection, ran down the stairs giggling and told everyone about it."

"So!" The two inquired but before anyone could answer the limo came to a halt and Pim announced their arrival.

Tate and Jonah got out first, followed by Corbina, Jabbie, Kaniel, Tom, Harrison, Stephanie, Zach and then Eva. The flashes would have blinded her hadn't she been used to it. Zach held her close to himself as he smiled at the fans and paparazzi that had been waiting for the groups arrival.

Eva smile was similar to his as they walked the red and white pooka-dot  carpet. The couple took pictures before Zach stepped away to take a picture of her himself.



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