Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dani, pretty please, I'll buy you watermelon!
Eva walked out of her closet before heading to the kitchen where the boys and girls would be. She only had a few more days in New York, so the boys decided they'd go home with her. She sighed softly as she walked to her room in sweats and Kats merch.

Kat smiled at her innocently catching Eva off guard as she eyed her skeptically, "Eva, you know how I said I'd go with you to the model party thing."

"Yeah." The girl dragged out as the boys  looked between them, "Well, I can't go, I have to go to the studio."

Eva nearly tackled the girl but Zach and Daniel pulled her back. "You promised! I need someone to go with me and Christina had to go to school!"

She smirked at the boys, "Who's going with me? One of you has to or else I'm gonna have to take Tom and he'll stumble around."

Zach's stomach turned at the mention of her costar, Daniel noticing Zach's fist clench. "We can't go because fans will assume things because we have girlfriends." Jonah pointed out as Eva huffed looking at Daniel.

"Dani, pretty please, I'll buy you watermelon?" She placed prayer hands as she sat in front of him with puppy eyes, Zach's fist clenched harder as he watched her.

Daniel sighed, "I'll go with you, what do I wear?" She stood up and ran back to her room pulling out the suit specified for Daniel before running back and handing it to him.

"Why do you have a suit Daniels size?" Jack asked with a weird expression on his face.

"I have one for all of you." She shrugged.

"Daniel get dressed we leave in two hours."

Daniel rolled his eyes, "I'll get ready 20 minutes before we leave." Eva rolled her eyes before grabbing Kat.

"I'll be back."

After Eva took a shower she blow dried her hair before Kat did all natural makeup of the girl before she went back to her closet and slipped into a Versace, black short dress, that had one slit on each side showing a bit of her hip and torso.

Kat smirked, "You look like a snack." The two girls laughed, "Dude, but did you see the way Zach was looking at you when you were begging Daniel to go with you?"

Eva shook her head, "No, but somethings going on between us, he still wore the ring that night we had the interview."

The black haired girl squealed, "That day, he was watching you and you fell asleep on him and he played with your hair. Also, he carried you inside, all the others think he doesn't even like Kay."

With that the two girls they walked out of the room, all eyes turned to the dressed up girl in front of them. Mouth agape, we'll Zachs at the least, his breath hitching as suddenly he was jealous of Daniel, who wore a black Versace suit.

Eva smiled at the boys, "We'll be back around 10 alright, so Daniel its only three hours. Come on. The boy stood up, Kat gaped for a second, jealous of her best friend but knew Eva wasn't over the jealous boy on the couch.

The pair left and Kat rolled her eyes as she threw a pillow at Zach, "I'm going to be blunt with you. Okay? You're not over her, you're dating another girl for no apparent reason even though you're staring at Eva like she's the most beautiful thing on this planet."

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