Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I love you so much more, baby girl.
Eva laid on her bed face down as Kat walked in with chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons. Katarina locked the door before sitting down beside her best friend. "He didn't mean it, everyone was a bit confused at what happened because of the article. Everyone panicking just got him to worry."

The girl meekly looked at Kat, "He still thought I basically cheated." She you pointed out with a frown.

"Because we made him worry, he loves you so much and you know he's treated you better then your last ex and the half one before that." Kat pointed out as she opened the ice cream.

Eva sat up and they started eating it, "Yeah, but I'm just upset that he accused me, when I got cheated on and know it hurts."

The black haired girl nodded in understanding, "Yeah, like if Daniel accused me of that after all my past toxic relationships, I'd probably die."

"But he wouldn't do that because he's Daniel." Eva replied with a grin.

Katarina smiled, "I got lucky with him, honestly he could do a lot better than me, but I got him and I'm keeping him."

The petite Mendez girl sighed laying back on her bed, "I miss when it was just us and Hayes. When we were on Magcon, just kids no cares in the world. Then you guys both left, to home and/or college. I was in LA, with PrettyMuch, their great but then I started getting bigger and I had to care more."

"You grew up." Kat summed up, "I miss it too, but if we hadn't, if you hadn't we wouldn't have them. Zach wouldn't have had you, I wouldn't have found Daniel, the first guy that I knew wouldn't hurt me."

"Even though he probably has the dirtiest mind out of all of them, 'if you need someone to lick things, in your guy'." Eva mocked Daniels cherry voice, Kat laughed.

"He doesn't sound like that!"

Eva and Kat went quiet, "He took my virginity, Kat, I took his." The girl finally told her best friend.

"I already knew." Kat replied scratching the back of her neck.

"Christina!" Eva screeched in embarrassment as she covered her face.

"No, she came downstairs and said that you both needed rest and me and the other girls kinda knew what she meant." She explained.

Eva paused, "Do you think the guys know?"

Katarina smirked, "They didn't know till they saw a hickey under your collarbone when you bent down to get your phone because you dropped it and you could see it. And Corbyn found out when you asked Christina for foundation to cover it, when you thought he was asleep."

Eva was blushing furiously as she placed her head down, "God, I love him." She lifted the top of her red tube top that she wore with a pair of black Mendez tights.

Katarina smiled, "I know you do, is obvious that you do. And so does he." The brown haired girl smiled at her best friends words.

"Can you call him please?" Kat nodded taking the ice cream before stepping out of the room.

She jogged down the stairs nearly falling as her socks slipped on the hardwood floors hadn't Daniel ran over to her to steady her. "Eva wants to talk to you, Zach."

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