Chapter Fifty-One

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So, can we start over, baby girl?
The second the limo was in park at Eva's driveway Zach jumped out of his seat, he opened the door and fell out. All the boys began to help him up as Pim laughed from inside the limo. "Rude!"

"Agh, you hurt one of my children." As Daniel shut the door Pim left.

Jonah walked towards the door and unlocked it but Zach was the first one inside. All of the girls looked up, Eva smiling at the boys. They all walked over as Tate tossed the remote to Jonah, who caught it swiftly.

He went to YouTube and search up their name, Eva phone dinged. She looked at it slightly confused, "why am I tagged in your guys video?"

The boys froze, Zach's breath hitched, "Who's knows people are crazy?!" Corbyn stared quickly as Jonah clicked on the song.

Zach sat across from Eva as the song began to play, Kay and Eva giggling at the first line, "Jonah you thirty hoe." Eva mumbled as Zach's lyric began to play.

"I still picture I still picture it, it's been a couple of months
I swore in my head this was the right thing for us
But it's breaking my heart
It's breaking it off
And I'm afraid to say (hey)
I still do
Love you, hate you
I still do
Hate to love you
I still do
Want you to want me
Like I'm wanting you
Oh, I still do
Stick to my word when I say I don't want you back
But what if I did? Don't hold it against me (listen, hey)
'Cause you got the upper hand now that I'm lonely, yeah
And I feel the past pulling my body (pull)
To tell you I'm sorry, oh
I still picture it, it's been a couple of months
I swore in my head this was the right thing for us (hey)
But it's breaking my heart
It's breaking it off
And now I'm afraid to say (hey)."

Eva blocked out the rest as her mind went over the lyrics, she nearly broke remembering the last time she went over lyrics. She ran away from her friends.

Zach stared at her as the song came to an end, everyone looked at the two. Seeing Zach's scared face and Eva's unreadable expression. "Ugh I called Pim, guys minus two let's go I'm sat." Kat said as she grabbed Daniel, her boyfriend of nearly a year, hand.

They all got up as Zach stayed seated, Eva finally looking up. "You wrote the song, right? Or did Dani lie?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I um I wrote it." His words fumbled.

"Zach. I'm not doing this again, you cheated on me!" Eva stood up but he grabbed her hands turning her to look at him.

He gave a shaky breath, "But I didn't."

"What do you mean you didn't?! Zach, you did! You hella cheated on me and Kay!" She shouted angrily at him as her eyes began to get testy and his heart hurt.

"Baby girl, don't cry. When I left you that day in Dallas, I went to tell her that I wouldn't see her like that again. She pinned me to the door and kissed me, I tried to get her off but I didn't what to hurt her. But she kept going to I shoved her off told her that I wouldn't see her again and left."

Eva paused taking in his words, "But but-."

"I told the boys and the girls, we thought you shouldn't know because then you'll get upset. That's why they didn't tell you, Amelia took Kay's number when she came to 'apologize' and I had taken Kay to Dallas. But then she texted Kay all these lies, I will admit that I did cheat on Kay. That was more of an accident but it was never you."

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