Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I'm the best boyfriend.
Eva sat beside Mandy as they were sat with her management, working on a new line of clothing for her fans as the old one sold out. The marketers were proposing princes that Eva had found acceptable as she knew not all her fans had massive amounts of cash.

Soon enough the meeting was over after everyone proposed ideas and Eva showed drawings of the clothing she would be selling of her line.

Eva said goodbye to everyone before
walking out with Mandy, the two headed to the elevators when Eva ran into something, someone.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been watching where I was going!" She looked up to see a boy around her age, he was cute but wasn't her, Zach

"It's alright, beautiful." Eva cringed softly at his words did he not know who she was, or that she was practically married, "Thank you, that's very kind of you."

She went to step away with Mandy, who wasn't really paying attention as she read over the papers, the boy stopped her, "I'm Anthony, I just moved to LA."

"Good for you." She smiled kindly as him but he still held onto her arm, " Great you made conversation with me and called me beautiful but only my husband calls me, beautiful. And all of his friends are very protective, so I'd step away if I were you. Especially when all my fans out that door are eyeing you about to kill you."

The boys eyes widened as his eyes landed on the fans with angry looks on their faces outside the glass walls and let her go, "Sorry. And congrats on uhh being married."

Eva waved at the boy who ran away as Mandy laughed behind her as the boy walked to a room down the hall . "I applaud you, kid, and why wasn't I invited to this said wedding."

They both laughed as they walked outside, Eva signed autographs and hugged fans. "Why'd he grab you?" A fan asks with a concerned expression.

Eva shrugged, "I don't know but he tried to flirt with me, I told him I was married and you guys would kill him. So thanks for being here." She hugged more fans as they laughed at the said story.

Mandy tapped her shoulder, signaling her to hurry up, Eva said goodbye to her fans before Mandy and their security that was waiting outside holding the fans back, got into the limo that was waiting.

Eva smiled at Pim, "Let's go home, please." He nodded before he started to drive carefully as fans walked beside the limo.

Everyone was used to it as Eva was one of the most famous teens on the planet. All she had to do was get born and she already had hundreds of thousands of followers from her Grandparents. Then she made herself bigger as she began to get sponsored, make friends, model and act.

Now the girl was sitting at around 30 million fans, and growing. She might even start a YouTube because her fans request it, but for now she wasn't very sure. She stuck to live, Snapchat and instagram.

They pulled up at Eva's house and she got out waving goodbye to Mandy and the others before she walked inside. The smile on her face falling instantly as she saw Zach with a frown on his face. The others sat on the couch staring at her with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she set her coat down, "Who's he?" Zach asked showing a picture of her and the boy from earlier.

"A guy I bumped into at the office." She shrugged, "He did try to flirt with me though."

Zach frowned, "Then why are they saying it was more and why are you smiling?!"

Eva grabbed the phone in his hand, "I did not flirt with him! I did the opposite! My fans were there, he grabbed me!" She shot back now angry at him for accusing her.

"Sure, bring your fans as witnesses when their opinions are probably biased." Zach went back at her as the other stared unsure of what to do.

Her fist clenched in anger, "I told him I was with you! Why would I-."

"I don't know tell me!"

Eva rolled her eyes arms crossed, Katarina gulped, she'd know her forever she knows now Eva wasn't playing around. The others knew this and all got scared as Eva smirked, "Fine, I did flirt with him because he's cute. I've never cared about you, Zach, all my I love you's were lies." Her voice full of sarcasm as she continued, "Every time I cried about you was just for show. It's all a lie, in fact I'd throw everything we have away, like it was nothing, because apparently it is!"

With that the Mendez girl flipped around storming upstairs to her room and slammed the door. Zach went to follow was stopped by Kat, "Don't. I've seen her do this before, give her space or she'll break up with you, regret it and cry."

"Mandy was there! She saw it." Christina yelled as she stared at Zachs phone that had went off when Mandy tried to warn him that the article was false. "Mandy, said that they bumped into each other when they were leaving and tried to flirt. But Eva claimed she was already married and her fans would kill him for touching and grabbing her."

Zach facepalmed, he should have checked Mandy's message when it showed on the top of his phone when he was reading the article. Kat sighed as she came back with ice cream, Eva's favorited. "Imma talk to her."

"I thought you said she needed space." Daniel pointed out to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, but she's there for me, I'm there for her, that's how it works." She shrugged before heading upstairs.

Zach groaned as he threw himself on the couch, knowing he'd messed up, "It's not your fault, we all thought something was up when we saw it." Tate patted his shoulder as they sat around him.

He sighed, "But I made her angry and sad, I promised I wouldn't do that again. I broke yet another promise in the same year, I'm the greatest boyfriend ever."

Gabbie frowned as she shared a look with the others, "You're a great boyfriend, Zach. You were so worried about her when she got her period, Zach."

"You hold her when she's upset." Christina adds as he laid in her lap like a lost puppy.

"You watch her when she leaves you to make sure nothing happens to her." Tate continued.

"You're the best boyfriend."

"Hey!" The other four boys exclaimed, the girls shrugged as Zach sat up, obviously distressed over making her upset.

"I'll give her space and then I'll talk to her."


Zach inside after making Eva upset after finding out she really didn't do anything when the boy tried to get at her

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Zach inside after making Eva upset after finding out she really didn't do anything when the boy tried to get at her.

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