Chapter Twenty-Eight

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You And I Trailer is Out
Eva woke up with a grin that next morning as she stood up, in Zach's hoodie. A yawn escaped her lips as she made her way to her kitchen.

Her grin widened at the sight of the cuddling boys that laid on her floor. Rolling her eyes, she opened Kats door to reveal her and Christina laying half on the bed half of the floor. A chuckle escaped her lips as she went back to the kitchen.

Pulling out her many boxes of cereal she made the boys their bowls.

Rice crisp's with added sugar on top for Corbyn, . Jacks Captain Crunch, made Jonah and Kat fruity pepples, Daniel Coco Puffs.

Before she made herself, Christina and Zach a breakfast burrito, the ones Zach's dad, showed her how to make in Dallas. She gate the milk and sugar, on the table for them before waking them up.

She shook the girls awake, making sure they were up before going to the living room. Turning on her speaker, she place Cotton-EyeJoe on blast, knowing they'd wake up.

The boys woke up and started to sing and dance as the girls came out of the room. Eva rolled her hazel eyes as she turned off the speaker, "Children go eat your breakfast."

"Yes, mom." They replied in unison as they sat at the table after taking their bowls and plates from the counter.

Christina bite into the burrito and gasped, "How'd you learn to make these?"

"Oh, Zach's dad showed me when I was visiting them." She sat down beside the girl as everyone ate.

"Eva do you h-." She cut Corbyn off by handing him the sugar box. "I love you!"

Eva chuckled as she continued to eat her burrito as suddenly she was humming the boys favorite song. They all stared at her till she realized they were, "What?"

"You're singing Cotton- Eye Joe, you hate that song." Kat responds with a smirk.

Everyone had a smirk on their face as she turned her Bluetooth speaker on and resumed the song, "It's stuck in my head." Jack started to sing the song in a horrid voice before everyone started to sing along.

Kat paused the song, "Now that I realized it, why were you guys in New York?"

The boys smiled, "We're dropping an album called '8 Letters'."

"I hate you? Won't that come out wrong?" Eva asked them.

Jack hit her softly, "I love you."

"Aww sorry Jack, I don't feel the same." She winked at him playfully before she started to laughing. It was then Zach noticed the hoodie she was wearing and the necklace around her neck, with the ring attached to the necklace.

A smile formed on his lips but he shook it off and ignored his racing heart, "Who came up with the idea? Daniel?" Christina asked.

Daniel shook his head, "It was Zach."

"What's it mean?" Kat asked with a smirk.

Zach paused as he set his favorite food down, "It's hard to say 'I love you', it's like you said it before but for some reason you can't say it to this new person."

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