Chapter Tweleve

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The Couple Interview w/ Angela

"Hello everyone, welcome back to Teen Vogue, I'm Angela! today we are joined with the couple that's seems to be taking over all social media platforms, Zeva

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"Hello everyone, welcome back to Teen Vogue, I'm Angela! today we are joined with the couple that's seems to be taking over all social media platforms, Zeva. Eva Mendez and Zach Herron, how are you guys doing?" Angela asked.

Zach smiled holding his girlfriends hand as they sat together on the couch, "We're great, how are you?"

"I'm good, okay so today I'm going to be asking you two some questions." The couple nodded as she began, "So you two have been together for over a month now, and I have to say congrats, you two are absolutely adorable."

"Thank you." Eva smiled at Angela.

"Anyways, so everyone knows that you two have had chemistry since the moment you met, what did you two feel when you meet?"

Zach was the first to respond to the question, "I was a bit starstruck, honestly. I mean I just so happened to be at a coffee shop with the guys and my celebrity crush walks in."

Eva smiled at her boyfriends response, "Honestly the second he started walking towards me, I was a bit shocked. He was hot but also looked adorable, I didn't think that was even possible."

Angela smiled at the pairs response, "Well, have you said I love you, yet. I know it's early but you two, I have a feeling."

The pair blushed, "Um yes we have." Zach answers as Eva continues, "It was a bit spontaneous because we were going to sleep."

"I thought she was asleep and she responded the second after I said it." The couple smiled at each other, Zach placed a hand on the bottom of her thigh.

"Where was your first date?" Angela asked.

Zach smiled instantly, "I took her to my favorite spot in LA for a picnic that Christina and the guys helped set up."

"Right under the stars." Eva added.

Angela smiles again, "Um how was the trip to Paris?" She asked with a smirk.

"It was amazing, he took me by surprise honestly. He asked me under the Eiffel Tower to be his girlfriend and gave me this promise ring." Eva showed Angela, who gasped.

"That's beautiful, Zach you really know how to take care of your girl."

"Yeah, it's engraved to." Zach flushes as Eva slipped it off to show her the engraving inside.

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