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~beginning of sal's intro~

Hi, my name is Sal, Sal Fisher but my old schools bullies used to call me Sally face im 18 years old and im currently a lead guitarist in my band RAD LANTS, yes I know its quite a dumb name but iv grown to love the name that are fans know us by. You see im not a normal boy im gay and im also a carrier, what is a carrier....well ita a man that can get knocked up I knew this my whole life yet none of my friends do other than my step brother larry. He knows almost everything about me. We are quite known around the world. But we're currently head to head with this guy "Travis Phelps" apparently he's quite cute and good at singing.
~end of sal's intro~

~Beginning of Travis's intro~
Hey there, my name is Travis Phelps. I'm one of the top 5 in the world for the best voice. But in getting lower because I'm refusing to do a callab with some dumb band. The RAT LAPS? No I don't think that was it I don't fucking know. But what I do know is I I drop any lower in the line my ass will be grass. My "FATHER" who only act like he's a real father is when we are out in the public. I wish he would like me for me and not the money I make. You may say why don't you move out. I have no way of doing it I barely get the money I earn I have to smuggle my own damn money. I have my own studio apartment and I can't even get away from him there. I'm 19 and I have no real parents my mom only encourages my fathers behavior, I hate to say this but I think she has turned into a gold digger.
~end of the intros~

Sal's POV
As we're get in ready for the last show of the night we're all just messing around and having fun. Let me explain who's all I'm my little band. There's me the lead guitarist and then there Todd the Electric guitarist. Ash the singer and she is quite good at it too. Nile the drums and Larry are bass guitar. And then my dad and step mom are are "managers". Me and ash write the songs together, we are currently on a tour that is ending tomorrow after we sign some merch and posters and what not. "UGH ITS GOING TO BE A LONG DAYYYYYYY." I say out loud "tell me about it short stuff." Ash says to me. "What did you call me you emo cunt." I say and we all start to laugh.
My dad walks in to are room to tell us it's time to go on.

We start the song out slow and gets faster by the second. My hand hurts from how much I'm playing, I her one of Niles drum sticks break I laugh to my self and look at him to se him quickly change sticks so fast that you couldn't even see him move.

As the song comes to a end I slowly stop strumming the guitar, "thank you guys so much for coming to Are concert I hope you guys liked the song and I hope to see you all at the signings." Ash says the crowd starts to scream. "Rock on dudes!" Larry shouts at the top of his lungs.

We all go back to the room and sit down for a bit we get all of are stuff together and start to head out to the lobby to do the signing and all that good stuff.

As we almost finished with the signing we take the last picture with a sweet girl and I think it was her girlfriend I don't wanna assume and I'm honestly too scared to ask. I signed her phone case and a poster.

"That was the last one let's go." Larry says throwing his bag over his shoulder we all go to the tour bus and wait for my dad to get back so we can start are Journey for the next concert, as soon an I hit the bed I'm staying on I fall asleep.

I get woken up by Larry. "Hey little bro dad need to talk to you." "Okay" I say I get up and walk to the front of the tour bus. "What's up dad." I say siting on one of the table chair things. He hands me his phone and I take it and see what's on the screen.

I look at the message on the phone. "Why dose he want us to callab with his son?" "I don't really know all I know is that he really wants this to happen." "Ugh what ever just set a meeting I guess and we'll go from there." "Okey doki boss man." My dad says I hand his phone back to him "how far are we to the next stop I'm hungry?" "In about an hour." "Okay see ya in a hour."

I go back to my bunk bed and lay down I decided to stalk Travis's instagram I look at his pictures he's posted and I see why people said he's cute, one picture in particular catches my attention.

It's one with his shirt off and his hands look like they're we're running through his hair. I exit out of my instagram and shut off my phone. Next stop Nockfell.

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