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Travis's POV
"I do not ack like I have a stick up my ass." I say trying to defend myself,crossing my arms over my chest."you do too." "No I don't." "Yes you do." We keep going back and forth saying yes and no. "Yes" he says "no I don't." "Yes." "No" "Yes" he says "yes" I say "no, wait Hey that's not how this works." He says I in cross my arms and I see him pull some thing that looks like a case out of his pocket.

He opens it and there a cigarettes in it. "Wanna share one?" "Yeah let me just pull around the corner so I don't get the dad talk." I say "we can go to my hotel room?" He says more of a question.

"I guess." He gives me the address. "No stalking me mister." "Yeah that won't happen." I say as we pull up to the hotel we go inside and oh god I forgot his name. I think for a moment and try to remember. "Sal." I meant to say to myself "Yeah?" He answers me shit make up something fast. "I-is that your natural hair color?" "I ask "no I just really like the color blue and it just so happens to mach my dads hair because you know twinzzies." Really?" I ask "oh my god you are a true blonde." "What's that supposed to mean?"

(Not calling out blonds just making a joke if anyone gets butt hurt I will take this down and rewrite it just let me know.)

I ask raising my eyebrow above the other. "I was being sarcastic yes this is my natural hair color." "That's all you had to say." He sits on the couch and I followed his lead doing the same thing. I see a cat on the other couch, "you have a cat." "No are you blind it's a fucking snake." "Okay that was uncalled for you never know the hotel can just randomly have a cat wondering around and he so happen to get into your room." "No it's my cat I've had him for as long as I can remember, isn't that right gizmo."

He says going over to the cat picking him up and siting back on the couch putting the cat in his lap,"cats are rude tho, aren't they?" "No he's a sweetheart." Just as he says that the cat looks back at me and hissed at me. "To you maybe." I say "no he's all bark no bite, well all meow no bite." Sal says "oh Haha nice pun." I say squinting my eyes at him.

Sal takes out the cigarette we were gonna share and hands it to me with a lighter. He unstraps the back of his mask and holds it to his face I hand him the cigarette he holds his mask to the side so I can't see his face. Once he's done he puts the mask back and hands me the cigarette. "What's with the mask?" "It's a prosthetic." You mean those fake things they give you to ack as a new body part." "Mmmm.....Yeah well say that." "Why?" "Because I have no face,enough about me what's with the Barbie like mom?" I laugh not forcing it just a genuine laugh that I haven't had in a while.

"Well she is just with my dad for the money,I don't even think she's my real mom I look nothing like her but if known her all my life I don't know and I don't care enough to look into it." "Wow." He says we continue to talk and for the first time in a long time I felt like I was happy, But that gets interrupted with my phone going off. I answer my phone walking in to the bathroom to try and get some privacy.

"Hello?" I say

"Are you home your father said he wants to have a talk with you and he didn't sound too happy."
My assistant Elli says .

"When is he ever happy Elli? Ok tell him o was just getting some food I'll be there in a little."

"Try not to piss him off more I hate having to cover up the bruises."

"We all know even if I don't piss him off you're gonna have to cover something up."

"*sigh* I know I don't see how you put up with this."

"I don't see why ether oh wait he has all my money and currently threatening me if I try to leave no thank you."

"Ok well I'll go tell you father that you are on your way try to get here as fast as you can."

"I'll try."

I say ending the call I sigh to myself and head out of the bathroom back to we're sal was, "sadly I have to be a party pooper and leave." "Aw no don't go I was having fun." He says fake pouting crossing his hands over his chest.

I didn't realize I was staring at him in till he snapped. "Earth to Travis." "Huh,oh sorry just thinking." "About." "W-what I was gonna eat for dinner?" "Okay?well as I was saying if you need anything just give me a call." He says walking over to me handing me a paper. "I hope we can hang out some other time." "I hope so too.....because we're doing a song together and all that I hope to get to..get to know you better?"

He laughed a small bit and shook his head. "As well as I." I get in my car and drive as fast as I can without getting pulled over. I get to my fathers house and walk inside seeing my "mother" and so called "father" siting on the couch like disappointed parents that just got a call from the school that you just got suspended from school.

Sal's POV
I get a text that my dad is going on errands and what we all need. I told him than I NEED more dinosaurs nuggets,after I ate I fell asleep with Travis on my mind."

(Okay thank you for the people that have read this and my other book have a good daylads and ladies )

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