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Story's coming to an end in a few chapters.😭😭😭
(Idk how many a few will be tho.)
Travis's POV
I get comfortable and bring Sal closer to my body so we can cuddle. About five minutes later I realize that Sal's phone is still on so I grab it to turn it off till a word catches my eye 'baby' I look at the phone to see what he was on, I know it's not right to go threw someone's phone but Curiosity got the best of me. It was some kind of article on how to bring up........wait, I quickly sit up and startled Sal on accident. He sits up and stretches. He gives me a questioning look, I show him his phone screen and his eyes instantly widen. He goes to snatch the phone from me but I was able to pull it away from him before he could, "Sal? Is there something you need to tell me?" I ask he sits back down and looks down at his hands in his lap. "I'm sorry" he says whipping his eyes. "For what?" I question. "Are... are p-pregnant." He says nothing and continues to look down at hands. "Sal?" I question softly he nods his head. I set the phone down on the bed before I press my fingers into my temples. "I'm sorry I completely forgot about this." "No, no don't blame yourself we both had something to do with it. We can figure something out. Your keeping the baby? Our baby?" I ask making sure that he knows I'm here to help every single step of the way. He looks up and we make eye contact and I could tell he's fighting tears back. He shakes his head yes and whips away the stray tear. "Why are you crying?" I ask pulling him into a hug. "Because I thought you hate me but you don't." "I'd never hate you, your stuck with me so deal with it." I say tightening the hug. We sit there for a little longer. "Who all knows?" I ask in the hug "just my mom and dad," "so how are we gonna tell the others?" "Oh boy." He says letting go of the hug blowing out some air. "I have no idea." "A party?" I suggested. "We could do that." "L-like a game night!" I Say snapping my fingers then point them to sal. "Good idea."
•~•~•~time skip brought to you by this add,oh the add was canceled, never mind continue with the reading.~•~•~•
Larry had gotten here first, ash and Julia had been off on there own for a while, they still visit. I clean up some, and Sal sets all the snacks and drinks up. I look over to see if Sal was done just to find him eating a chip with guacamole. I can hear the crunch of the chip. I let him eat some chips. Till I herd a small 'aww man' come from him. I look up to see what's wrong. He looks at me and shows me the inside of the bow. "SAL! You are all the guacamole?" "No" he says setting the bow down. "No more ur lucky I got extra you two little piggy's, "shhh jeez big mouth." He says going to the fridge. Larry looks at me with a questioning look I just shrugged my shoulders. The fridge door was slammed and all I see is Sal rush to the bathroom covering his mouth. Worry rushed over me but I choose not to follow him. "God, if I didn't know better I'd think he was prego." Larry says eating a chip. I let out a awkward laugh larry looks me dead in the eyes. "Oh god don't tell me."


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