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Sally's pov
Travis sets two spots on the table for me and him to eat,I try to help a small bit but get my hands slapped away. "Those who make dinner don't set the table." "Ugh." I go back in to the kitchen and get some cups putting some ice water in them I put them on the spots and get ready to serve the food I grab Travis plate and go serve him and myself.
We sit down and I unstrap the bottom of my prosthetic sliding it up just enough to shove food in my mouth. Travis drops me back off at the hotel and I say a quick good by and head inside up to my room. I unlock the door and go inside. I throw my shoes to the other side of the door to lazzy to actually put them neatly. I take a nice warm shower throwing on one of the jammy shirts I stole from Larry. I put my prosthetic to the other side of it. "Gizmo if you don't move I will lay on your fat ass." "I'm not joking." "Fine" I get on the bed and lay my head on him. "Of course your too lazzy to even move." Gizmo lets out a broken meow. I grab my phone and just reply to some of my fans awesome art work it's always makes me feel good about myself when I hear how happy they are to have there art get noticed by me but it makes me feel crappy at the same time I'm just like everyone else. I keep going down the fan page looking at the art sometimes reposting them saying how nice it looks. I look at some other ones and one caught my eye.
Travis POV
I get home from dropping sal at his house and flop on my bed I look at the at my door seeing a small bit of the living area I get up and go to my kitchen looking at the dirty dishes and putting them away. I go back to my room putting on some loose pants and a loose tank top. I lay down for a bit just think about random things. Some time goes by and I get a message on my phone I look to see I got a notification on Instagram I guess sal found my page so I check out his page you know why not it's not creepy at all. He has a lot of pictures of him and his friends together and not one of them without his mask thing off I see his cat also has his own little fan bace I keep going down his page his fans really like sal. I get a little notification thing on the top of my phone showing that I have a message I tap on the little icon seeing the message that was sent to me I was expecting it to be another fan telling me how much they love my music and how they wish they could meet me.
But instead I was met with a message from sal my mood instantly lightens up.
-instagram messages-

You know I never got your phone number.

I swear I gave it to you.

Well sorry to burst your bubble but nope,now give me it.

Okay you may be tiny but you are demanding.

So now your calling me short ay

I have no idea what your talking about I said no such thing. And my phone number is (random number).

Great now I'm just gonna randomly bother the hell out of you.

To be honest, I'm looking forward to that.

Trust me I get annoying

Well there's only one way to find out.

(Short ass chapter I'm sorry No excuse jus no excuse just pure laziness I'll try to get one done but this is all I have for now but Thank you so much for reading meh book hope you have a good day lads and ladies see you in the fanfic word Wish love peace my lovely dudes)

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