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Disclaimer: time will fly

The tour has nearly come to an end there's about 10 more shows then we're all done. I lay on the couch thing on the tour bus with Travis's head on my lap. Our peaceful moment was ruined by me rushing to the bathroom to go throw up my guts. I feel a hand on my back to try and comfort me. "Sal are you alright." I hear Todd ask I just respond by nodding my head. "Do you know why you keep throwing up?" "No, and don't try to convince me to go to the hospital I'm not doing it," I say wiping my mouth and flushing the toilet I washed my hands and dry them off. "But maybe you should what if it a serious problem?" " it's not I'm fine todd thank you for being concerned about me." I dry my hands off and make my way back to the spot I was sitting in. "are you okay?" Travis asks "yeah, fine." I mumble to Travis. "are you sure you have been throwing up for 2 months?" "Yeah, I don't feel sick or anything." "Maybe that's your body's way to deal with stress?" "Could be." a sharp pain shoots threw my stomach. I don't do anything to show that I was in pain I just bought my knees to my chest hoping that that will sooth the discomfort in my stomach.
Two months later
"Finally I'm back in my own bed," Travis said flowing on the bed. "yes the bed is calling and I shall answer." I say making myself comfortable on the bed. " I just noticed that you haven't been wearing jeans. For a week, what's with the sweats?" " I don't know," Travis just gives all a raised eyebrow, "don't look at me like that." I say furrowing my brows, "oh shush and take a nap." "that sounds like a good plan, good night." I say covering up. " it's still morn-" "shhh" I cut him off.
After the nap, I'm the first to wake up. I make my way to the bathroom and do my business. I go back to the room and I'm met with the full-body mirror. Why don't my clothes fit? I ask my self, everything just feels uncomfortable smells are making me want to vomit my stomach has a stabbing pain, and I'm dizzy I wanna cry but I'm not sad I don't understand? Maybe I should go to a doctors, NO! I'm not swooping that low I don't need bad news like I'm dying or some shit. Fuck it ill call, Aimee.
I grab my phone and make my way to the kitchen so I'm not bothering ash and just in the living room.
•phone call•
A- Hello?
• Meme I have a question.
A- Shoot.
• You took a medical class right?
A- yeah but I don't qualify for a doctor but I know some stuff why?
• well in been feeling very unusual, and I can't put my finger on why.
A- Sal I know that you're going to hate me for saying this but I do think that you need to go see a doctor, what I set up an appointment for the private doctor?
• Fine only because I know that you welont let me sleep if I say no.
A- Good ill set it up for tomorrow.
• Okay, thank you meme. Oh and Saint tell anyone."
A-tell them what?
•you are the best assistant.
A- Just doing my job ill text you the time when I get it set up.
• Okay, bye.

(This book will be getting two chapters when I updated it, so the story can move along faster.)

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