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Sal's POV
"Then we ash left the room I pretty much had a melt down for 2 and a half weeks,a little dramatic I know." "No,no sal not at all,in my opinion you did do the right thing. You were young and you didn't have to go threw with having to take care of a child you still have long to go be for you even want to think about having to take care of a kid by yourself you have so much to work on you're always on the road and when is it ever a good idea to have a kid there little devils anyway." Travis says the last part with a small laugh. I shake my head and smile a small bit. "But how am I sure that I did do the right thing what if she was put in a bad home and I do know about it what if she wasn't put in a home at all what if-" I'm cut off "Sal she is okay, I can't one hundred percent confirm that but she will be taken care of the odds of her getting a bad home is very low."travis says I look up at him with a short smile. Looking at the sleeping child then to my hands. "I'm guessing that I should do the same with this little one. I just can't do it again, it felt horrible the last time. It was almost three years ago in two months it will be three years. And I still feel like a peace of shit." "Do you have a picture of Rae?" Travis asks.
I shake my head yes. "Can I see?" "Yeah." I say looking for my phone going to the picture and showing a resent picture of her. "She is now 11, her birthday is in a couple weeks, I've been wanting to give he a load of stuff and just spoil her but I feel that she won't wanna see me." "That's not true what if she dose wanna see you and you're not gonna go see her because you think otherwise?" "I-" I'm cut off as the small baby on the bed starts to move around "oh it looks like someone is awake." She starts to make gurgling noises I boop her nose with my index finger and she grabs my finger making more baby sounds. Hearing a knock on the door frame seeing that there was no door I look up and see ash. "You okay?" She asks I shake my head yes. "Just hard to bring up the past you know I'm not good with that stuff." I say looking back to the small girl trying to strangle my finger. "I have something to ask of you ash." "What a that?" "Can you call my mom and ask if she can take care of this one. She dosent have to keep her I just can't put another kid into a orphanage it was hell last time." "I'll have you're mom do that for you I'll call your mom are you still up for the them park?" Shaking my head yes. "Okay, I'll let your mom know what happened."

.•~time - Skip~•.

After my mom came and got the sliver monster we all left and headed to the festival we all went to eat first so we won't be running around on a empty stomach. Going into the restaurant we get seated at a booth and I'm blocked in by Travis. "I have to use the restroom," Travis says and dismisses himself. "Judy,can I ask you something."
"Of course?" She says "what are you and Travis?" " well me and Travis are friends, my parents expect me to marry him but oh boy when I get the chance to tell them that I'm not into men oh boy am I in for a ass liking of a life time, his dad was going to force Travis to go threw with it but me and Travis found a loop when are parents are around we're going to act like we're together but when we have at own time we're seeing other people in a way I guess we can say that we're cheating on one another but we're okay with it?, how come you ask." Well I just wanted to make sure I didn't ruin a relationship." "Did you guys do it?" Ash butts in. "What no ash what's wrong with you." I say with a blush. "Shhhh he's coming back don't say that again." I say just before Travis got to the table." "Hey Travis Quick question," ash says "no ash stop." I say "yeah?" Travis says    Ash waves him over he leaned in she she can say what she needed to say but I already knew what she said. "Well you see I tried but you see someone's a wuss puss." Travis says "EXCUSE ME!" I say a little to loud. "It's true," he says.
"Okay fine." "Oo Travis you fucked up you're not gonna get a petty side of sal." Ash says a couple minutes go by of Travis trying yo talk to me but to no luck. The waiter comes around and I decided to be a little bold a throw in some slight flirting to my luck the waiter throw in some flirtatious comments. I knew that Travis was getting a small bit jelly but I on the other hand was having fun. Eating the meal I ordered and looking threw my phone there was a lot of love from the fans an they all saying that they can't wait for the new album to come out. Looking through some fan art I see a lot of fan art of me and travis with the tag #Salvis pines on them. I look at the top of my screen too see that I got a message from Travis. T -you're an ass.
S - (;
S- i haven't the slightest clue as to what you mean.
T-sure you don't. Flirting with the waiter?
S- doesn't ring a bell.
T-I can play that game to.
I turn off my phone and finish the rest of my food.
We make it to the them park and we wait for Larry and the gay duo once all four of them arrive we all split up into sections so we don't have to wait for each other.
(Larry- Isabella)
As we all split up me and Travis give each other a death glair I cross my arms and start walking away he caches up.
In the lie as we wait for a ride some girls up front decided to throw some flirtatious looks to Travis I just glare at them from behind him. We go on a couple rides and me and Travis have been flirting with anyone that we can. As we're getting on the one of the last ride it was a really fast one and is supposed to have a lot of twisting and jerking around. "You know what I think I'm going to skip this one." Travis says "aw come on don't be a Wuss puss!" I say in a mocking tone.

(This story might be my worst one. I'm getting over it it's not going as planned but I'll keep it going....I guess... hope you like Ed the chap if you did please follow me and give the book a vote I guess. Thank you to all of those who read this book and my other ones. Wish love peace my lovely dudes.)

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