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Sal's POV
Okay that good. Now stay in g sting and take it to g# so do two strokes each. My dad says. "PERFECT! Keep that tempo. Larry match Todd do the same but more dramatic. Ash Match his pitch." She dose as told. We all continue to do are little warm up as we wait for Travis and his parents to get here. "Ash can I see the song?" Umm gonna go try to find some beats to go with it." I ask her and she hands me her small booklet. I sit down on the floor next to the coffee table and look at the art ash has created. "Oh you might wanna wait for Travis to get here he has his part."

•A week later•
"~AS I WALK THIS ROAD ALONE MY SCARS AND WONDS THE HEARTS THAT WERE ONCE BROKEN. Now frame the shadows that laugh.~" Ash ends the song and the me and Nile lead it to its final note. Once the last beat was thrown my dad chimes in. "GOOD JOB!!!! The video shoot will be Filmed In a week as I'll talk to you about the details later then we'll confirm back with you all then we'll post the new song!" I clap
my hands together excitedly. "YESSSS!!!!" I say throwing my hands up and doing a spin. "Okay I'm done now." I say calming down." "Sal you are something else." Ash says "I know im to good to be in this world." I say flipping one of my pigtails behind my back. "Okay we're done for today good job travis." My dad says. Him and Lisa going off on there own. "You have such a good VOICE!!!" I yell at Travis jumping up and down quickly stoping and clenching my lower stomach. "Are you okay?" Travis asks holding me by the shoulders. "Yeah, I'm ok-." I pause and run for the bathroom locking the door throwing my prosthetic on the floor harder than I ment to. and hurl my guts out in the toilet. Grabbing a wad of toilet paper I wipe my mouth and stay on the floor until I'm sure I wasn't gonna puke again. Once I was sure, I stand up and rinse out my mouth with water and put my prosthetic back on. I make my way back to the studio. "Hey imma head back to my hotel room." I let them all know. "Let me take you back." Travis says. "No no I can walk it's only a 20 minute walk." I say picking up my jacket and throw it over myself. "Alone?" Travis says crossing his arms. "Yeah, why?" "Yeah, no, Im taking you back to you're hotel." Before I could even try to say no one last time travis grabbed my hand and lead me out side we got in his car and we were on are way to the hotel.
•at the hotel•
"Ooooo, you know what sounds so good right now?" "You?" "What?" I ask raise ing my eyebrow noticeable because I had my prosthetic off. "What?" "Ah- never min, I really want chocolate popcorn.are you hungry." "only hungry for you." "Come again," "I'm hungry for organic food. You know, it's healthy." " bad I only fat foods." "Damn too bad...." I put popcorn in the microwave and get some chocolate out of the fridge making my way back over to Travis. And break up the chocolate once the microwave beeps I open the bag and throw the chocolate in then shaking the bag walking into the living room and flopping on the couch resting my head on the arm of the couch. Travis joins and I rest my legs on his lap. "Why is this couch so small." "Why are you so tall?" "I'm not tall I'm average height. You're just short," "excuses mwa?" "You are a small bean." "Don't call me that." "Fine, ill call you frosty." "What no why." "Because you can be cold but taste of chocolate." He says leaning close to me almost touching lips. He then gives me a peck on the lips. I blow a raspberry. "Lemme alone." He just chuckles. "Shush I'm watching tv." Thera no volume how are you doing that." A magician never tell their secrets." I say with a smirk. I continue watching the mute tv till my phone goes off. Grabbing my phone I see who texted me.
•*Larry the pot man*•
•dads on his way to your room.•
•did I do something?•
•nah little man he's just worried about you because you threw up in the studio.•
•who told him that I trew up.•
•of course.•
•yeah oh and he's going to ask you something.•
•oh my gowad whaaattttt.•
•something about if you wanna stay in the hotel or something like that.•
•dear god you are useless sometimes.•
•sheesh why are short people so mean•
•I swear if one more person calls me short I will stab them with a spoon.•
•SEE SO MEAN. Short people are ment to be happy.•
•DUDE WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE YOU SO VIOLENT, what ever what am I worried about you can't even reach the door knob.•
I put my phone on the table and make my way to the door
As soon as I open it I'm faced with my pa. "Hi dad bye dad. I'll be back imma go stab Larry with a spoon." "What did he do this time." "THAT POT HEAD LONG HAIRED POINTY NOSE TALL DUMMY CALLED ME SHORT!" I yell back and make my way up to Larry's room and barge in. "WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KILE." I yell Larry then dashed to his room and I follow quickly after him. "Don't you fucking close that door !" I yell before I could get to the door he closed it but before he could lock the door I turn the knob going to push the door open I was denied access I get a good footing and push on the door Larry must have lost balance because I was able to push the door open and make my way inside the room. He hides under the sheets I climb on the bed and start to Jump on Larry. (Literally.) "DON'T CALL ME SHORT IM NOT SHORT IM FUN SIZE. YOU OVERGROWN BAGUETTE!" "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT LARRY?" Ash yells

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