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Sal's POV
"THAT RIDE WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME!" I say throwing my hands around like a child. "Speak for yourself I think I'm gonna be sick." Travis says looking around, "are you really?" He shakes his head yes. "OH my, come on." I grab his hand and rush him to a bathroom. "Here, I say he lets go of my hand and goes into a stall, I waited in the bathroom by the mirror and sinks. I was my have after I touched almost everything in this park. Not hearing  Travis come out of the stalls I walk the the other side of the wall  where the stalls are. (Idk how a boy bathroom works so it's just like a girls if you don't know what a girls bathroom looks like it a shit load of stalls and none of the toilets ever FUCKING work.)
"Trav, are you done?" I ask looking at all the closed stalls. I  start opening the doors to fined the one he's in once I go threw all the stalls not finding him I start l panicking grabbing my phone I call his phone to see if he some how got out and I didn't see him. I pull the phone to my ear. In I hear a buzzing noice in a stall not sure which one it's coming from. I push all the stalls open once more and once I find the phone I pick it up. Hanging up my phone I put our phones in my back pocket. Going to walk out of the bathroom but I'm stoped by two men walking in. "Excuse me sirs." I say trying to get passed them, "oh, my are you sal Fisher from the RAD LANTS!" "Yes I am, I don't mean to be rude but my friend is missing and I really need to find him or I might go crazy." "Maybe we can help you what dose he look like?" Not of the men ask "do you know travis phelps the famous singer." "Oh yeah. We can help you look for him." "That would be great thank you." I say smiling even though they can't see it. As we have been looking around for some time. We come to a dead end turning around. "Where could he be?" I question aloud. The two men take a step at me and tower over me. "Umm can you guys back up a small bit please. I say taking a step back this continues until I'm Against the wall. Every thing happens so fast the last thing I remember is getting shoved in a car seeing Travis then passing out.

(Oof this is my first short chapter I promise this isn't a thing I'm just trying to see if I can get something up. This took me two days to do because I'm lazy. 😅 sorry. I'm gonna try daily updates but I'm not promising any thing. See you in the fanfic world wish love peace my lovely dudes.)

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