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Blueberry muffins pov.
"Stop moving and I can do this." "Well I'm sorry but it hurts." "Well what did we Learn." "Not to let you take care of my cuts." I squeeze his hand in mine." "Ow you asshat." I finish wrapping his hand and go back in to the kitchen with him following me. "What were you even trying to do. I was trying to cut that fucking thing." He says pointing to a wrist band on the table. "Why?" "I don't know many because it was stuck on my wrist and was getting annoying." I scoff and grab the knife and thanking it over to the sink and wash it.

I look back at Travis and put both hands on the counter. "What are you looking at weirdo?" I ask with a small laugh and a slight smirk. "I'm trying to figure out something." He says. "And what is that?" I ask standing up straight. Folding my arms over my chest. "How something such as precious as you waltz your way in to my life." "I thought that was going to go somewhere else and I was ready to beat your ass, and your reply cheesy." "I know." I take my eye off him for a split second and feel myself being pulled into his chest. "Sal I have a question." "I might have an answer." I say looking up at him with a soft smile. "I know we have only known each other for three weeks but I hav me majorly fallen for you and what o saying is will you be my boyfriend?" "There a small part that your missing." "What's that?" "Your suppose to be married off to Judy I thought." "Would it helped if you talked to her?" I shook my head yes and we got ready and headed to his apartment. "Are you guys leaving again." "No we are actually supposed to be looking for houses my dad thinks I am but I'm not.....shhh don't tell him." I lightly laugh. "I can help you if you'd like me to." "That would be nice, To be honest the band would probably stick together we don't like to split up." "I wish I had friends to be by my side like that." "You don't have friends?" "Well seeing that I've been in the singing world for a long time I had to be home schooled and I don't have much friends from it but I do have friends, make sense?" I shake my head yes "well I'm your friend and you'll have more if you just learn to talk." I say laughing the last part out. "Hey short stuff don't make fun of me." "I may be short but I mean don't piss me off I'll dick punch you." "Noted." Was all he said I let a small laugh pass my lips. We get to the apartment and we walk up and inside and into the studio. ~Here lets brake the forth wall for a sek. I know that the person writing this book needs to explain what the studio looks like but she's really lazy so I'll do it for Her, when you walk in you met with a hallway when you get out the hall if you look to right you'll se the living area and to the left is a bed and a closet next to the bathroom then right in front is the kitchen and a small table. I have no idea where the Landry things are. Any way back to the story~ as we walk threw the little hall way area Judy comes out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth and here hair wet and ana long white T-shirt and one sock that barely goes below her knee and one that goes to the middle of her thigh. Me and her make eye contact and she waves hi to me the points at me looking at Travis in questioning way and Travis just nods,
She makes a oh noise then goes back into the bathroom.
Me and Travis leads me to the living space, we sit down on the couch and wait for Judy to join us I pull out my phone to see some missed calls and a couple of texts from Larry and ash..
~new messages~

Hey sally.


Oh now you wanna answer.

What do ya need?

I was gonna say let's all go out and have a fun day?

Can Travis come?

Yeah, Larry's bringing a girl he just met. And I'll partner up with Judy.


You ask To many questions, meat is at (a nice theme park) at like two I'll tell you where we parked, no screw that I'm not gonna be a fire wheel.

Nope your like the mom of the group gotta make sure nobody's trying to impregnate someone. *cough* *cough* Larry!

Yeah, your right I am like the mom of the group and I care for the youngest blue cinnamon roll ya know the baby's the favorite.

WHA? No that's not fair I'm old enough to take care of my self.

You look like your 15.

Gtg see ya in a couple hours.

Bye, Sal ask Travis to pick me up and let me know what he says.


(Okay had to get a chapter up boi boi)

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