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Sal's POV
I go to get up. "Ah ah ahh, I said I needed to talk to you in private." "Oh god what did I do now."I say siting back down on the couch and Undo the straps on my prosthetic. "Your not in trouble, um Lisa sweetheart can you give me a moment please?" "Yeah of course I'm gonna go get ready, see you in a bit sal." She says kissing me on the top of my head.
What was it you needed to talk about pa?" "I saw something on the fan page but before we get into that I know you like men and in not mad or anything I'm just a bit confused on why you didn't tell me." "You knew?" "Well it wasn't exactly hard to figure out and you do dress in rather girly clothes,N-not that its wrong." He says "oh." "Do you like him?" "Pardon?" "Never mind just go get ready." "Ok"  mob
I go back to my room and pick up my sleeping furry baby,"hi gizmo." I say to my cat I put him down and go hop in the shower.
(Okay wen I hear this I'm like why are people hoping into a shower there gonna slip on soap,then I learned that they didn't really hop in to the shower)
I was my hair and body then just stand under the water for an unnecessary amount of time just engulfed by the warm water. I hear my phone go off in the bed room. I get out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and head to my room.
Travis's POV
The RAD LATNS arrive at the place but the one thing I notice is sal and what he is wearing,He has on baby blue high waist jeans with white knee high converse with black shoe laces, he has a black sheet that is loos and barely goes over his waistline and has white stripes on the elbows and says "we're is the food"
I was caught staring by Sal he looks over to me and I quickly look away.
I look back to see if he looked away but he's still looking at me he looks away for a second then starts walking my way, I panic a bit inside but don't let It show. He stops in front of me. "You know pictures last a lot longer." "Yes,but it won't capture the Beauty properly." "Are you flirting with me?" "Is it working?" " better luck be time." "Damn."
As we're taking the picture I see my father walk over to sal's father and they start talking me and my dad make eye contact and he smirks. What the hell is he up to. We finished with the photo shoot and got ready to head out.i told sal the I will be stealing him for the day. He said he has to do some stuff but I've convinced him to just chill out and not worry.
"What's with all the white?" Sal says as we enter my studio apartment "I'm not allowed to have colored furniture." "And Why is that?" "To be honest I have no idea why." "That is a dumb rule,what if you spilled something on the couch." "Not allowed to eat on the couch." "What type of life do you live." "Not a very good one." I say leaning over the counter.
"Ok,ok let me get this right Your not allowed to have your own money why?" "Well you see my father needs the money to give to my mother so she can get  more plastic surgery and fake clothes that look like a rag doll threw up on her." "For you looking like a goody two shoes you sure do talk a lot of stuff." "You have no idea." We laugh for a bit and then calm down. "Are you hungry." "No,I'm sal." "Okay smart ass do you want food." "No I NEED food." He says standing up going over to my little kitchen. "What are you doing." "Imma making dinner." "Um two things one your my guest and I should be the one too cook and second I have no food." "Two things I may be your guest but I'm hungry and don't want fast food and your gonna take me to the store so I can bye something to make." "And if I disagree?" "Then we don't eat." "But I can just order something." "And I can just cook something." "But then there's a mess to clean up." "Yes,but if you don't make one there won't be." "Your not gonna give up Are you." "Nope." He says proudly puting his hands on his hips and tilting his head up. "Ugh,fine lets go short stuff." "I win,wait a minute did you just call me short." "No" "Yes you did." "Show me the evidence."
"Whatever lets just go before I kill a blonde." He walks over to the door and opens it.
"You're not gonna wear shoes?" "Nope there uncomfortable." I shake it off and walk down stairs with him getting in my car. We make small talk on are way to the store. "Okay just because I don't have a natural hair color doesn't mean it fake,I can assure you I'm one hundred percent real." "Okay okay I believe you." I say surrendering I park in one of the parking spots and I get out I only hear my car door an close and walk over to sal's side to see him trying to step over a puddle and he some how was able to do it."
"Your weird." "Your just jelly." We walk in side and sal almost slips on the floor I go to make sure he doesn't fall but he caches him self. "And this is why we wear shoes." "Your not my mom." "That would be weird." Do we need a basket?" "Yes" I grab one of the shopping carts and go back over to sal. "What are you doing." "I don't wanna walk,so push me." He says getting in the big part of the cart I walk us threw the aisles down grass what he tells me to, once we're done I take us out to the car and help sal out and put the bags in the trunk.
We brought the bags inside and sal starts going threw them he lays everything out on the counter. "How do you turn this stove on?" "Like all the other ones-Okay that's not normal." "Duh, now help me figure this out." We mess around with it for a small amount of time till I finally got it to work. "Got it." "Nooo, I did." "What no i did." "Prove it." He says
I watch his every movement as he cooks up what ever. "Try this He says holding a spoon up to my lips,"Okay that's not fair now I have to wait for it to be done to be able to eat it." "Glad to make you suffer." "Such a smol bean yet so evil." "What do you mean I'm as pure as can be." "And I'm a loved child."

(Thank you so much for reading meh book hope you have a good day lads and ladies see you in the fanfic word
Wish love peace my lovely dudes)

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