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Sals pov

"Morning boys." My doctor says walking into the room. 'Morning. We say back at the same time. "Is there anything special that you guys will be doing for your child's gender?" "We'd like you to  write it down so we can give it to a friend." "Alright, I know you already know this but the jelly for the belly will be cold." I give a small smile at her. A minute or two goes by. "Oh that's bad." The doctor says. I look up at her motioning for her to tell me what's wrong.

As were walking to the car I felt phone go off. I blink a couple times to get the tears from my eyes. "hey ash," i say holdingthe phone to my ear.'Hey sal how'd the appointments go?' "I'll uh I'll tell you when I get to Travis's." 'Is everything okay?' "Peachy." I say my voice cracking. 'Oh sal, hurry and get hear. Should I call the others?' Ash asks and I can hear the sympathy from her. As me and travis both get to the can we get inside and sit down. I let the tears fall silently. Travis starts the car and the whole ride is silent. Travis puts his hand on my thigh to give me some sort of comfort and it works.

We get out the car going upstairs into the house. Me and travis make our way directly into the bedroom. I could tell Ash wanted to follow but she didn't. I lay on the bed and hold my belly bump.

Ashley's pov
Sal and travis come into the house and go straight into there bedroom. I wanted to follow but I thought that they needed some space. "Oh dont worry about them there just being dramatic." Judy says. "What?" I say not actually believing she said that. "First of all you dont know what there going threw, second of all dont call my friends dramatic. I dont care if you were joking or not." I tell her and she looks at me with a shocked expression. "Hey uh- Ash I'm gonna go out and get some stuff for sal. Can you keep an eye on him?" "Yeah of course." I make my way to the room and I can hear sal crying. "Sal hun what happened?" I ask getting into the bed behind him. His crying became more violent than ever. "See~ dramatic~" I hear Judy say from the door. I shoot a death glare at her. "Th-they- they d-dy-died." My eyes widened. "Who,? Sal who died." "My babies." His crying became a choke and coughing. I feel tears form my eyes. "Oh my god, sal I'm so-" "dont." Was all he said. I nod knowing he can see me. I rub small circles on his back because I lay down on the bed with him.   His crying dosent stop.

Sals pov.
"TODD NILE CONGRATULATIONS! SHES SO CUTE!" I was in the hospital room with the whole gang (ash, larry, travis and myself) "thank you sal." Todd says quietly. "What's her name?" Ash asks taking the baby from larry. "Roselila." 
Ash passed rose to me and I take a good look at her. "Hi Roselila" I say to her she let's a smile form. She had a full head of bouncey red curls dark eyes, a light caramel skin. Her nose and lips held a bright pink to them along with under her eyes. I fell my eyes start tearing up. "I'm truly happy for you guys." I say handing Roselila back to her parents.

"I think were going to head home now." "Aww but you just got here." "I know iv had a long day and I'm tired." "Hope you guys can come back tomorrow." "We will."

Me and travis walk threw the hospital halls and out to the car. "She was very pretty." I say to travis as we get into the car. "Indeed she was." "I wonder if they'll put her in public eye" I ask. "Well seeing that you guys are the famous rad lants (did I say that right I forgot?) That might be hard to hide a child from the public eye." I give a soft chuckle and bring my hand to my stomach. I guess Travis's noticed. "We can keep trying for a baby." "I know but I'm scared, I dont wh as not to lose any other kids. I don't want to go threw that shit again." "I know."

Flashback -Travis's POV

:I'm having a kid." My fathers eyes widened. "You ungrateful pice of shit." My father stomps his way over to me grabbing a fist full of my hair and slammed my head into the island. "You were set to be married!" My mother yells. "WE DONT WHANT TO BE WITH EACHOTHER!" "Dont you raise your void at me you pathetic pice of garbage." My mother says slapping me. "I hope the BITCH you got knocked up losses the chiled. We want nothing to do with you or that kid." "Good you weren't going to be apart of their lives anyway." I said as they walked away. "Whad you say fuck tard?" "I said get the fuck out of my house and stop using me for money. 'I QUIT'"

A hour later sal came back and his smile as bright as ever. "Oh my what happened." He says as soon as he sees my face. "Disagreement." I nods his head. And give me a small kiss.

"What all did you do?" I asked him. "I'd went looking around at baby things and got dinner." I gave a small smile at him and wrapped him in a hug. "I love you."  "I love you to."

-- End of Flashback --

Sals pov

"Iv thought about it." I say looking up a travis, "about?" He says looking over at me. "Maybe I shouldn't give up this early, maybe we should try for another. I'm not one to give up so fast so I dont see why I am now."

-- Next Day --

"Travis the test takes ten minutes hold on geez. I'm just as curious as you." I say pacing back and forth in the room. I stop in front of the mirror and lo,ok at myself. Grabbing my stomach. I fell Travis's arms snake around me and his hands on my stomach. We stay in that position until the timer on my phone goes off. I take a deep breath and grab the test. Looking at the lines. I bring a hand to my mouth looking behind me seeing travis looking down with tears in his eyes.

"Were having a baby."

-- 8 months later --

"Larry," I warn. "Sal what if she gets cold feet?" "Bro sence when does Ashley get cold feet." "Point proven." Larry let's out a deep breath. "Now go before shes out there before you.
-- time skip --

"You may now kiss the bride."
Oh did I forget to mention. Ash had broken up with judy and larry left his ex girlfriend one thing leads to another and BAM months later there getting married.

I had called it I was always right on thes things. "Sal look at that baby bump." Ash says putting both of her hands on my stomach." "Were you expecting my stomach to be small when theres three living things growing inside my stomach." "Three!?" Ash shouts. "Yup. Two boys and a girl." "Oh my what a hand full." "There killing me with all there kicking and moving. I need a chair."

-- a month later --
"TRAVIS WAKE UP!" I yell for the final time snaking his arm. He looks up and me. "WATER BROKE!" "Oh that's his love go back to b-' he shot up. "YOUR WHAT, NOW ITS 4AM? "TRAVIS LETS GO!" I say threw grit teeth. He grabs the carseat and the emergency bag and helps me downstairs. (New house.) We get to the hospital emergency room leavening leavening the bag and carryer in the car.

Ash and the rest had come to the hospital 4 hours later. "Still no babies." I shake my head no. "I need a c csection. There getting the room ready. God four hours in labor." I say.

-- one painful surgery later--

"Aw he looks just like travis. Except blue hair." I say looking down at the baby in my hands and the other small children in my lap. Travis picks up the girl and holds her close. "I love every one of yous, he kisses Fawkes (the girl) Then Ashton(the boy with blue hair.) And last Kobe,then me. "I love you all." "We love you too."

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