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The Next Morning••••••

"Looks like you are free to go." Kare says handing me the release form.

"SAL!" Ash yells running to me grasping me in a hug. "I need a shower." I say. "I think we all do." "Every one go away and take a shower come back later I'll make dinner I guess." I say shooing them all from the couches." Once every one leaves I go to the room and gather clothes for me and travis.

"Would you like to accompany me in the shower?"

I finish drying my hair. And lay back on the bed. Travis sits down next to me  and puts his hand on my stomach. "I can not believe I'm gonna be a dad." "Welp that's what happens when two fools go at it." I say letting a soft laugh out. "So now that you invited everybody to a dinner what do you want to make?" Travis asked looking down at me. "I honestly dont know what do we have in the kitchen?" "Absolutely nothing." "Well looks like we go grocery shopping." "Looks like it." He lays down next to me and we stay there for a good five minutes.

"Okay up up let's go." I say struggling to sit up straight. "Can you even sit up." Travis laughs. "Ha ha very funny, now help me" I make grabby hands and he helps me to my feet.

I put on a loose pair of pants not caring about how I'll look. Not even bothering to put my hair I'm pigtails.

The car ride is a comfortable silence.

"I'm thinking about telling my parents about the pregnancy." Travis blurts out.

I look at him momentarily. "If that's what you want to do then do it I'll be there with you the whole way." He nods and taps the stiring wheel with his hands.

"Okay what's a good dinner plan?" I ask travis as we walk up and down the store. "I dont know, a pasta, stew. A meat meal, what do you want?" "I want a lot of things that's why I aske you." "Just do spaghetti and meatballs?" "Okay I'm sold let's go."

"Sal in all honesty I didn't know you could cook." "Wow thanks nile." He smiles and we all let a laugh slip. "So are you go UK ng to tell that fans that your having a kid?" Todd asks I looked over to travis seeing if he says anything. "I think were gonna wait to talk about that. We need to tell travis parents first." Travis nods taking a bite of his spaghetti.

- one week later -
"Mr.fisher evrything is looking good.

(Literally after I wrote this line I fell asleep I was gonna up date this earlier but I fell asleep oops. Also that's why so many mistakes are in this book is because I wright them at 2 in the morning because that's when all my motivation kicks I'm thank you ADHD okay back to the story.)

The doctor whipes off the gel and I sit up right. "We will set you another appointment for Friday next week and we will finde out the gender." "Okay."

(A whole new day that I'm writing this.)

We set another appointment and head back to the apartments. "Do you think we should tell our following?" I ask travis and he looked me eye to eye for a moment. "I'm not sure," "when do you want to tell your parents?" "I dont know mabe just invite them over?"

"I know this isn't going to go so well so I want you to go over to Larry's please?" "What no why?""sal just go to Larry's I'll let you know when to come back just please don't come back before I tell you to."

sal had left with larry and I was waiting for my 'mother' and 'father' to arrive.
When the door opens and my parents come in and sit on the kitchen island with me. "Why'd you call us here we have more important things to do other than sit around." My mother says. "Better be important." My father says giving a stern look. "I'm having a kid."

(Sorry for the late updates iv been reading Harry Potter fanfics.)

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