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Sal's POV
"WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT LARRY?!" Ash yells at me. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME." I yell back. "Because you're so short so I need to make sure you can hear my voice. "I will murder you all." Sal says with a visible glare. "Okay shorty,anyway did you talk to Henry?" Ash asks. "No I ran to Larry's room because he called me short."  "go talk to him or he's going to make a choice for you and you know that his choices are never good." Larry pipes in. "Okay okay geese." I say walking past ash to the door making my way bock to the room I have been in for a month. "You wanted to talk to me?" I ask my dad siting down. "Yeah what do you wanna do we need to renew the visit thing here but I don't wanna take a dip from the money. "Oh where are you and mom going?" We're planning on staying for some time so we were gonna rent out an apartment." "Oh what about a q Larry ash Todd and Nile. "Nile has family here that's going to let him stay with them as well as Todd, but Larry I have no idea I think him and ash might just crash at her parents old house." I think for a moment about what I wanna do. "Oh and the hotel got pretty mad gizmo got out and ate from the buffet table." My dad says "Gizmo!" I say threw grit teeth, snapping and pointing to my feet commanding him there, he struts up to me meowing like he hadn't done anything wrong. "Hey you fatso. You couldn't even bring something back for me i thought we were friends." I say picking him up and making him face me. He just mewls. I hug him to my chest and sit down on the couch. "I don't know what I wanna do, to lazy to think right now." I say giving pets to gizmo. "Ugh sal I swear to god if you don't pick what you wanna do by later tonight I will pick for you and meme you go to milones house under stood." My dad says getting up. "You wouldn't" "oh I would" he says walking out the room closing the door. "Ugh, I hate when he dose this." "What's wrong with going to that persons house?" Travis questions "everything, she. Is.The.WORST." "How so?" "L-lets not bring up the past," I say gizmo jumps off me and I stars to clean up. This mess of a room. Getting all my stuff back in to the suitcase. "So where are you gonna go." Travis asks I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know." I answer looking at him. "Wanna stay with me?" "Nah I don't wanna be a bug." "Nonsense you won't be and pulse it will be nice to have someone around." "But isn't Julia there with you?" "Yeah but she's not the one I want." He says I scoff and shake my head, "sure what do iv got to lose," I say I smirk and continue what I was doing.

(Once again i'm sorry that this is this short, But yeah, also THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE FOLLOWED ME THE MEANS SO MUCH😭 thank you all so much. Can you all's o me a favor and vote for my chapters and leave a comment, thank you.) (•oh and have a good New Years Eva. See y'all next year.😂•)

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