
978 25 17

RAD LANTS group chat__
  -Larry: what's the dates?
   -N:? I need all the pages
    -T: s special effects and everything else.
-A: ill need some mic tests.
  -S: I NEED MY NUGGIS!!!!!!
-MD: I know I know I'll get everything ready, dates will be the 26 next month- September 12. Travis would you like me to explain this to your parents?
-T:Don't bother I'm just gonna disappear on them I need to get some personal things done.
  -MD: okay, anyway two days to pack, Sal please for the love of god get a cat carrier for that orange fucker."
-MD: yeah yeah I'll see you all in the grand pàrùlé in TWO DAYS.
-MD: TWO DAYS SAL, repeat it.
I get off the chat and make my way into the bathroom, it's almost been two months sense mine and Travis's relationships had started, and I'm quite happy with my decision but I can't shake this feeling that I have. I take my prosthetic off and splash some cold water on my face. "Everything okay?" I hear Travis ask, I look up and I'm met face to face with him. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just a small bit tired it all." "Are you sure you seem down and I'm not sure if I agree that you say you're fine." "I am I promise." I give a soft smile to him he walks over to me and gives a small kiss on my forehead, "I'm holding that to you." He says I laugh in response.••••• I get everything together in my suitcase and make sure to pack Travis's things up for him, I feel some slight pain in my stomach causing me to curl up and tense into pain, once the pain stops I stand up and give a rub to my stomach to try and smooth the small stabbing pain. I walk my happy self to the kitchen and get some apple juice to quench my thirst.

—-Time skimp—-
"Okay everyone get comfortable and into the first stop,"
Show after show night after night blue energy and sealed eyes lyrics play threw my mind, those two songs out of the whole album, why? I don't know it just has a catchy toon, we sign some merch and posters for fans, and taking occasional pictures.
•••• hotel room with Travis
"Man tonight was a buzz." I say flopping on the shared bed between me and Travis, "tell me about it." "I always love meeting the fans it brings so much joy, I say smile to my self. "I can't wait for this to end." "I don't want it to." I say looking at travis. "How come?" He asks. "I don't know I just love this, we get to travel and see new things." "You've done this before what haven't you got to see?" "There's so much I haven't seen we're here for a day then we leave to the next showplace. So every time I see something that I didn't get to last time." "You are something else you know that," "yeah I know." I say with a hidden smile.

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