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Travis POV
"ARE YOU STUPID!, she's probably dating the guy with long hair." "Well you'll never know if you don't try."I say "*sigh* I guess your right." She gets up and sets her purse on the couch and walks over to her. They get up and walk out of the room sal comes over and talks to me we all wait for the old people to come back to tell us what to do. So apparently we aren't doing anything today,so I got woken up for no reason and had to get dressed ughhh.
Me and Judy we're about to head out to the car till ash and sal came running up to us. "Do you guys wanna hang out at sal's?" Ash asks I look over to Judy and see what she says. "Sure why not.
"Okay but can we stop and get some food my fat ass needs to eat." "Yeah, do you need me to drive you to the hotel and where your going to eat?"I ask. "Yes please." Sal says locking his hands together. We all get in to my car sal is up front and Judy and ash in the back. My phone blows up and I ignored it because I don't need to crash that would suck.
We get to the fast food place and we order,
We get are food and head back to the hotel sal unlocks the door for us and we head inside and sit on the couch the cat comes up to me and I pet him while I eat he tried to take a bite of the burger but fails so I give him a small pice of it. "Gizmo come here." Sal says in a baby voice the cat looks at him and stays on my lap. "Oh you like Travis more, well guess what,your adopted."  Sal says to the cat and the cat gives a wide eyed look at sal and I just start dying of laughter. "What?" Sal asks "you just told your fucking cat that its adopted like you were telling your kid." "That is my kid, just.....a very furry kid." He says I shake my head and we continue to eat. me and Judy go home and I take a shower. "I'm going to take a nap." I say more to myself than Judy."Okay."

(Sal's pov)
I get out the shower and put on a loose shirt that slides off one of my shoulders. I put on some knee high socks and dry my hair putting it in to a high ponytail. An idea pops in to my head. I grab my phone and lay on my stomach I go to my camera and turn the camera so it's on me. I tilt my head to the side so you can't see my face. I take a picture and send it to Travis and wait for a response.
5 minutes later I get a notification from my messages.


Attachment: 1 image

And this is the stuff I hope to wake up to for life.

Nope one time thing.

Aww no fair.


Don't you use emojis on me.

What you said only use emojis?okay.

Ugh I hate those things.


Stop it. You wiredo.

Hummmmm. Fine.

Send another picture.

Nope one time thing.

Oh you tease.

That's me.
I'm sleepy good night.

Nope wake your ass up.
You wanna wake me up from my sleep.
I will go over there and wake you up my self.


Alright don't be mad when I do.

We stop texting and about 25 minutes later I hear a knock on my door, "he really did it." I say to my self. I get up and put Tom my prosthetic then go to open my door. Met with a very sexy Travis. He has his arm resting on the door frame. "Told you." "Well technically I was never asleep soooo......" "your a smart ass." "No im sal."
(Is this the Krusty krab? NO, THIS. IS. PATRICK. Uh Patrick that's the name of the restaurant.)
I walk over to my bed room Travis closing the door following me, I sit on the edge of my bed looking up at Travis in the door way. "What?" I say "don't get mad I just want to know why you want to hide your face." "To hide the scars." "Why?" "Because it's a painful reminder of the day I lost my mom, and I'm ugly." " I beg to differ." "You haven't seen my face." "Well let's change that." "No." "Why?" "Because you'll hate me." He dosent say anything he just starts walking towards me he gets in front of me and stops. I was about to ask what he was doing but was softly pushed back on the bed he puts his legs on ether sides of my waist and his forearms on the sides on my head trapping me under him. I stay completely still and just keep eye contact with him.
I feel my prosthetic being pushed up a bit I stop it from going past my nose blocking off my eyes so I can't see.
I feel soft yet rough lips meet mine. He pulls away and takes off my prosthetic and I bring my hands up to cover my face. "Sal come on." I shake my head no." "Fine be like that." He says, I think that he's gonna get from on top of me so I let my arms go limp. Bad idea. He grabs both my wrist and holds my hand in place above my head.
He looks down at me for what feels like hours. "Simply beautiful." "Your just trying to make me feel bette." "No I mean it." I just look up at him with a sad expression. "How can I prove it?" I don't answer I just look to the side. He grabs my cheeks with a hand maligning me look at him and kisses me again I kiss back. He starts kissing down my jaw to my neck and collarbone. I let out a small gasp that turns into a slight moan.

(hehehheh. Hope you enjoyed this chapter have a great day lads and ladies I will see you in the fanfic world wish love peace my lovely dudes)

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