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••••wash yo hands the Corolla Virginia here. (Yes I ment to spell it like that, I know it doesn't say coronavirus.)•••••
"How are you going to explain this to them?" Amina asks with a soft voice, "I-I Dont know,"
-time skip to sal's dads apartment-
"YOU'RE WHAT!?" My dad yells at me soon being calmed down by Lisa. "Hey calm down let him explain." She says, he clasped his hands over his face and sits down on the couch. "Sal how'd this happen?" My dad asked softly. "I-I-I.... I don't know!" I say my voice cracking at the end. "Think back or at least try, ew no wait I don't care about the details." My dad shakes his head. "Are you keeping it, as in not giving it up for adoption?" He asks locking eyes with me. "I don't know," I say back and looking away. "Dose Travis know?" I shake my head no. "You should tell him."
I nod showing that I understand, "Sal I don't know how this is going to effect things, I hope it all goes out smoothly." "I hope so to. Amina walks with me to her car and she takes me back to Travis's. "Where'd you go?" I hear Travis ask as I get a glass of water to drink. "A doctors appointment." I say taking a drink, "oh okay, are you hungry?" "Just a little." I make my way over to the fridge to take at what he has to eat. I make us some sandwiches and we eat them. We eat in silence and I wait for the right time to start hinting to what's wrong with me. Well nothings wrong with me it's just- you know what I mean. I get on my phone and acknowledge all of the comments, liking some, and replying to some of them but once I start seeing comments about my Weight I stop reading.
I lay down on the bed and think of ways to break the news with out actually saying anything, I ended up literally searching up how to brake the news..yeah that wasn't much help. I set my phone down and gather some thoughts just wondering oh now everything is gonna go. As I start to over think every senecio it all ends in one way. Travis leaving me and telling me he wants nothing to do with the child. As I continue to over think I'm soon to be awoken in to a nightmare and one that I'd very much like to wake up from.
Travis's POV
After I eat my sandwich that Sal has so kindly made for me I was able to take a shower and just relax. I watch tv and soon go to the room to take a nap.

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