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Sal's POV
I wake up and do my normal thing eat breakfast,brush my teeth and hair feed gizmo and put on a nice pair of clothes aka sweatpants and a long T-shirt.

I watch some tv to pass some time or that was till I got a text oh my god can people not text me.

~new text~

Hey umm it's me Travis I was wondering if we could hang out again,you're a cool guy.

Sure, my house or are we gonna go somewhere?"

Um i think we can go somewhere as long as your okay with it

Yeah that's fine Umm do i need my dad to drop me off?

You still need your dad to drive you places?

Two things my ass is too short to reach the pedals and I was never taught how to drive,sooooo yeah.

Oh, I guess I'll come pick you up .

Okay,cya in a bit.


~End of the conversation~
I sigh and get up getting a text -by the way I'll be there around noon.- I send a quick ok and look at the time 11:15 I put my phone on the kitchen counter and make a little snack aka some bomb ass mac and cheese, I start to get ready and I decided to go for a cute black crop top that reaches the end of my Head is ripped a small bit on the shoulders.

I get on some black high waisted jeans and my blue signature converse it's a little hot today so I decided to put my hair into a bun. I slip on my outfit and looks at the time. Shit he'll be here in any minute I take my medicine and head back out to the living area,I see my jacket on the couch and debate if or if I shouldn't we're it no it will mess with my outfit. I strap back on my prosthetic and sit down on the couch.

I here a car door shut out side I look at the big window on the side. Like that would do any thing. After a minute or so I hear a knock on the door I get up and answer the door, "you ready?" "Yeah, one sek." I quickly feed my fat cat and grab my phone and keys on the coffee table and lock the door. We get in his car and half way I stop paying attention.

We arrive at a small arcade and we get out and walk in.

"No, that's not how you do it here let me show you." Travis says "no I can do it lemme alone." I say in a baby voice "ugh, here let me show you" he takes the fake gun from me and aims it at one of the targets and hits it, "now that's how you do it." he says . I blow a raspberry at him he hands me the gun back and I try to hit one of the targets but fail miserably. "Here let me help." He says coming to my side he grabs my hand that's on the gun handel and puts his other hand under mine to guide me on where to point the gun.

"He has such soft hands and there so warm what I would give to- no don't think like that I say to myself. "After a moment of him aiming the gun at a target he tells me to pull the trigger which I do. "I hit it, I actually hit it." Travis claps his hands and We move on to the next game. We go out to eat and head back to my house.

Travis POV bitch
I say bye to sal and get in my car retreating for the night, I get in to something more comfortable, I lay down unaware to the day that awaits.

"Travis get the fuck up NOW." I hear my father yelling "I quickly sat up to avoid getting the shit beat out of me."WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" He yells show ing me a black screen. "I don't fucking know I can't see." I say he looks at his phone. "Oh, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS." He repeats. His phone shows a picture of me showing sal how to shoot the gun."where did you get that." "You don't need to know that,NOW explain." I finish explaining and he started walking back and forth making me worry. "Let me get this right, you two hung out and now all your guises fans think there's something going on between you two." "Well, yeah." He sighs and putts his thumb and pointer finger on the bridge of his nose. "Keep up the act." "I said KEEP UP THE ACKT." "what do you mean?" "Make it seem like you have feelings for h....him and then brake his heart it will be the perfect way to get more money." He looks at me to see if I was getting what he was saying.

"What?, no that is too low I'm not doing that." "Fine what ever you say, now get up you have a photo shoot with them for the next song cover." I shake off the fact that my father let that go so easily.

Larry comes into my room and starts jumping on the bed.
"wakey wakey hands off your snakey" "no go away." I say swatting my hand at him.

"Sallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy faaaaaaacccccceeeee WAKE UP." "NOOOOOOOOO" GET UP YOU LAZZY BUM." I stay in the same spot not moving I hear Larry get off the bed he tugs the blanket off me making gizmo meow from the sudden movement. "Ugh, fine I'm up." "FINALLY." "Why do I need to wake up so early." "Dude it's 11am" "Yeah early." I say I pull the covers back over me and Larry just pulls them back off I pull my oversized T-shirt over my legs and close my eyes. "Oh my lord, SAL GET THE FUCK UP." I lay flat on my bed and start kicking my legs and throwing my arms around.

"Why do I have to get up." "Because your dad said he needs to talk to you." I throw myself around the bed "but I don't wanna." I start fake crying "whatever I'll just tell him your on your way down." "Fine, asshat," I wisper the last part "I heard that dip shit." I blow a raspberry at him he turns around and flips me off then walks out the door. "NO THANKS THATS INCEST." I yell at him

I get up and look on my floor for a pair of clothes to wear, I decided on the same thing I had on yesterday,I go to my dads room and wait for him to tell me why I need to be up so early. I walk in the room seeing all my band mates in the living space,I go in and flopped on the couch.

"Wachya need old man." I say to my dad in a playful manner "we are going to meet up with the phelps once again and we need to do a photo shoot for the new song we're doing." Okay and you couldn't tell me that in my room why?" I say a bit salty from being woken up.

"I need to talk to you privately in a second." My dad says pointing at me. "Ooooh sal's in troubl." Larry says "oh haha so mature Harry." "What my names larry" "no duh I thought is was dick face." "Imma kick you ass you blue haired bitch." "Oh kiss my ass."

"SAL,LARRY SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES." Ash says"whatever." I say looking back to my dad. "Now go get ready or we'll be late."
(Oh my god how can people write two books and publish chapters in a short amount of time I'm struggling a lot help meeeee. Okay I hope this storry goes far like I always say have a good day lads and ladies and I'll see you in fanfic world wish love peace my lovely dudes)

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