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Sal's POV
I start to panic just a wee-bit I go back over to my bed room door and open it up and see her about to grab the door knob. "Where did you go." I ask the little one. "I had it go to the bathroom so I went looking for it." She said. "Oh, sorry I just panicked for a small moment,let's go down stairs my friends wanna meet you." I say she turns around and let's me in front of her, I walk her to the end of the stairs and go down them making sure not to not fall, I go into the kitchen and stand where I was before. "Where is she?" "I'm right here." The girl says ash looked down at the girl. "Oh hi there little one." Ash says to her. The small girl waves up at her. Larry's looking down at her. He never was a big fan of kids I guess he was scared of how small they are. "Why hello there,hey sal you finally taller than someone." Todd says and everyone laughs but me. "Oh haha" is all i said,I walk back to the stove and grab the pot and filled it up with water. I grab a box of Mac and cheese and pour just the shells in it.
(If have mac and cheese make it and make a quesadilla with it........ITS THE BOMB. Just trust me.)
We all continue to talk and then there's a knock on the door. I go and open the door too see mom and dad there kissing. "Ewww get a room" I say and walk back into the kitchen with the others Todd and Nile were talking with the girl.i never asked for her name. I well I'll get
It sooner or later. I say to my self, I go and stir the shells to make sure they weren't sticking to the bottom. "Aww who's this little lady?" Mom asks "hi,my name is Riley." "Oh hi Riley,what are you doing here." "Mom can I talk you you for a moment out side please." I ask"Yeah sure." Lisa says. We step into the living room and I explain what happened when I was on my walk. "Oh sal, hun that's horrible...did she see it happen." No I shake my head. "No but she heard it,i don't know how to tell a kid that her parents just got murdered." "Sal hun you know that you have to take her to a foster care. You know you have a career to look after. I know you will do what's best for you." Lisa says and walks back into the kitchen. I follow far behind thinking on what to do I guess the little girl would hav some sorts of a happy life then a rushed. I don't just wanna throw her in to fame like that but what if I'm just over think ing this and I can take care of her, I don't know what to do. I need to go check on the Mac and cheese. I stir the noodles in and get the Dino nuggets out the freezer and put them on a try. Once the oven heats I put them in and wait for them to be done. "So what's your name?" Larry asked the small child. "Raelyn" She said it was a nice name I The I turn off the burner and move the pot of Mac and cheese to another side. I let it cool down and wait for the Dino nuggets to be done. Once there done I take them out and serve Rae. She finished her food and I put her dishes in the sink. I take her up stairs and get her some covers so she can sleep on my bed. Once she's fallen asleep I go back down stairs and clean the dishes.

(Okay I'm done being a crybaby. Here's a short chapter hope you like it. Wish love peace my lovely dudes.)

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