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Sal's POV
I lay on the couch and watch so tv not sure an what to do Raylyn. Moms right I have a career too look after and the fact that I'm only 17 I still can't look after myself. I grab my phone from my pocket and do a little research.
Morning comes around and every one starts coming into the living room I put my prosthetic back on and go wake up ray and get her a bowl of cereal. As she eats I go back into the living room throwing my phone on the charger. "Are you okay sal?" Ash asks. "I'm okay just not much sleep." "What's got you going?" I look at her and move my head towards Rae. "Do you wanna go talk about it?" Ash asked. I shake my head no. She'll just agree with mom and last thin I need is for ash to start lecturing me about Rae. I've taken moms side anyway I looked for a good addition thing and I've emailed them they haven't responded.  Rae came in and I decided to call one of my personal assistance. (He doesn't have one now because he's always on the road.) who is female to get some clothes for Rae she asked what sizes she is I had ash check. About a hour later she got hear I asked her to help her with a bath then to get her dressed. Once she was donI said thank you. Once that was out of the way I took her to get some toys I felt bad for doing what I am. But I'm 17. And she needs a stable home. Once we get done with the fun day we go back to the car by we i mean me Larry and Rae. As we're on are way to the orphanage Rae falls asleep. The whole way there was silent. "Is this it?" Larry asks I shake my head yes. "Can you grab her try not to wake her up please." "Yeah of course little bro." Larry says getting out the car. Going to Rae's door he picks her up and I grab some of her newly purchased items closing the door when I'm done. We walk in to the place and we're instantly greeted by a an elder woman. "Hi, are you sal." "Yes ma'am." "Nice to meet you, and this must be the little one you were talking about." She said "yes" Was all I could say "can you follow me then we can talk about what's going to happen to her."
I shake my head okay and follow her to a room checking out the area that she will be in for now on. Seeing some kids here and there they look happy. But are they really? I see some kids picking on a girl the lady not paying any attention to them. I stop in my tracks and look at the kids. I guess the lady noticed that I wasn't following her anymore. She looks over in the direction I am. She then rushes over to the kids and has a word with them.  "Is this really a good idea?" Larry says I look over at him then back to the troublesome kids. "I don't really have an option,mom doesn't want me to have to take care of a kid and yet I'm still a kid myself." I say to him the elderly lady comes back over to us. "Sorry about that these kids are
Normally well behaved. She says. She then walks in front of us and opens a door. We walk in and she points me to a seat I sit, Larry just stands and holds rae. "Okay fill this out and let me know when your done, if you'd like I can show you where she will be staying." She. Says to Larry.
They walk out of the room and I look down at the paper and sigh. "No choice." I say out loud to my self.
(I have no idea how this works like I said in the last book so I'm gonna do some random stuff)
What's his or her nam?
How old are they?
Boy or girl?
Would you like to keep in contact with them.
-not personally
~I don't want them to know who I am.
I circle not personally and add a small note to it.
Do they have personal items?
Are you the parents or Guardian of the child?
Why are you giving them to this foster care?
I write down the event that had happened and I sighed the paper pushing it away from me laying the pen above it. The door opens and Larry and the woman come back with out rae. Larry gives a sad smile my eyes gloss over and I look at the lady making sure to not let my voice crack. "I'm done with the paper." Is there anything else you guys need?" She ask I shake my head no. "Would you like to see her one last time?" She asked I say no. We make eye contact I then look down seeing the bag I pick it up and hand it off to her. "These are her belongings." She shook her head and walks out the room. "Well I guess we can go now." Larry says. As we walk back to the car I start to rethink what I just did. No it was for the better you can't even take care of yourself. You still live with your mom and dad. "Yo sal are you okay?" I snap out of my thoughts and look up at him. "Yeah, why you ask?" I say "you just seam out of it." "Just thinking about some stuff." I say getting into his car. "Are you hungry?" No I shake my head. "So you never told me how it went telling ash you like her." I say change it the subject "oh yeah, well I guess she's lesbian? That's what she said." "Called it" I say giving a small laugh "you know you can be a little more supporting I did get rejected after all." He says with a slight smirk."You don't seem sad though." I say giving a non-noticeable smile." "Im actually not. I guess it just the fact that I didn't get rejected because she liked someone else." "Might be." We get to the hose I walk i go straight to my room. A couple hours go by and I hear a soft knock. "Yeah ash?" I say "hey how come you're all cooped up in this room?" "I'm just thinking I need to practice my guitar for the new song." "No you're not." "What?" "That's NOT what's on your mind." "NOTHING'S ON MY MIND OKAY!"I say sitting up looking her dead in the eyes. She just gives me a sad look. And walked out my room."

(Thank you for 1k reads. That's so AWESOME. Sorry this chapter came out late I've learnt that I'm a huge procrastinator so I do this dumb thing that I have to finish a book that is in my library and then I'll write so of the chapter yeah I think I need a new style. WISH LOVE PEACE MY DUUUUUDES!)
-and for no body that asked

This is pepper my ferret/furry baby that passed away we found out how and I'm not mad at the kid it was a accident

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This is pepper my ferret/furry baby that passed away we found out how and I'm not mad at the kid it was a accident. I can finally talk about him without getting emotional I still do just not as bad. But once again I hope you liked this chapter......oh and good day to you peeps.-

(I just released at the beginning of the chapters I put a side note to myself and I forgot to erase it for this chapter......OMGGGGGGGGG!! that was a small embarrassment...darn. I'm too forgetful. 😂. I just deleted it.)

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