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Third persons view
Travis looks up. And looks around not having the slightest clue as to where he is he goes to move his hair out of his face but he can't seem to lift his arm up. Looking down he finds that his hands are tied behind his back trying to see if he can get a grip on the knot only to feel a pair of hands intertwined with his own. Looking over his shoulder he sees bright blue hair. "Sal?" "Sal," "SAL WAKE UP." Travis slightly yells hitting his shoulder blade agents sal's. Sal grunts and lifts his head. "W-where are w-we?" Sal says looking around frantically "I...I don't." Travis says his voice worry deeply flowing in his words. Travis leans his head back so it's on sal's shoulder. Travis turns his head as he hears a door open. "Ah the two love birds are awake." Some guy says as he walks in front of Travis. He then walks over to sal bending down to eye level."Lookee what we have here," the man then walks over to to Travis. Taking a strong hold on Travis jaw, "leave him alone What do you want?" Sal says with the most venomous hiss in his voice, "you should know, I know you don't forget faces." The man holding Travis jaw  lets go. "I'm not telling you where she is." Sal says with confidence in his voice. "Oh, but you will even if I have to force it out of you." The man says glaring at the young blue headmale. "What do you want with a child." "Well that is none of your damn Business, okay Fisher." The man says throwing his hand around sal's neck "Now tell me where the Child is or I'll start with you little boyfriend here." The male says throw clenched teeth. "Like I said before. I. DON'T. KNOW." He say with just as much fire in his eyes. The man lets out a grunt and stands up looking at two men by the door nudged his head as if he was giving the a silent command. The two men walk on ether side of Travis and sal and pull there chairs apart making them face each other. "What dose it take to get you to tell me where she is." "What will to take for you to understand,THAT I DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" Sal shouts at the what looks to be older male. "Oh big mistake Fisher." The male says turning around and throwing a hard hit to Travis's jaw. "Now one more time. where is she."

Ash's pov
Me Judy, larry his date and one of the gay duo has been waiting on sal and Travis for about an hour and a half. "We're could they be." Judy says impatiently bouncing her leg up and down. "Maybe there having a little too much fun." Nile says. "No he wouldn't do that knowing he has people waiting on him." I say larry agrees with me. We all decided that we would head out and look around for them. But that was two hours ago. "Ash my feet hurt and we can't fined them can we just go home?" Judy ask. Giving in I say yes and we all cramp into Larry's car and head back to our hotels." I get to my hotel with Julia because she can't get into the apartment because rehash the key. She makes her way to the my cloths and stole a shirt and heads into the bathroom I guess to change. I do the same and change into my pajamas. Laying on my bed not knowing why I had this horrible feeling in my stomach. Judy comes out and flops next to me on the bed. "What's wrong?" She asks. "I just have this bad feeling that sal is in trouble." "He's most likely okay lets just take a nap then we can go eat and if he isn't back we'll tell his father." So we do just that but I can't fall asleep so I decided to work on the song we will be doing and I'll have sal and the look over it. It gets to 6am and Judy doesn't wake up until ten am. "Did you even sleep?" I look up at her and shake my head no. "No I got caught up in working on a song." She makes a "o" shape with her mouth. "Um, so you like to order some food and I'll pay?" " yeah,sure." She says walking to one of the couches going on her phone I guess to order, ~BEEP~ My phone goes off. I grab my phone and look at who texted it was larry.
L- hey did sal ever talk to you last night?
-no, did you?"
L-no,I've been worried all night.
-same here man, I can't get this bad felling out of my gut.
L-I think we should go tell dad.
-yeah, do you think you can do it for me because I need some sleep and if you do get an idea on where he is please tell me. I'll be in my room.
L-okay ash get some rest.
Larry sends the last message, looking down at the song I've put together I pray to god that sal is okay.
3rd pov
"Please I've told you I don't know where she is. I gave her to the adoption down in Yale lake (•made up•) I don't know where she is so please stop hurting him he has nothing to do with this." Sal pleaded for him to stop. The man known as sal's kidnapper gives a sharp glare and storms out of the room his two men following behind him. As the to men leave Travis and sal lock eyes. "I'm so sorry Travis, I d-" "no don't be it's okay. And plus my dad will have to let me heal and now I get some more days off with you." Travis says "why did you tell them where she was" sal snaps his head back up to look at me. "I didn't," "you told them the the place you put her in." Sal shakes his head no. "I told them that so they'll go look for her over there and while the do it's about a one hour drive there and one hour back so in those two hours my dad will be able to locate me f-" "locate you?" Travis asks. "Yeah kinda like a tracker but in a bracket kinda thing. I don't know how to explain it. But he can see my location and knowing him he'll try to blow up my phone and because I've been gone all night he would give me five minutes and if I don't answer he will call the police." "How did you have time to think about this?" Travis asks Sal just shrugs his shoulders.

(This is a little late but here you go wish love peace my lovely dudes see ya in the fanfic world,)

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