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Sal's POV.
As I'm lying in the hospital bed my dad and everyone surrounding me. My dad has left and then came back but Travis hasn't left my side although I appreciate it he needs to eat. Larry mom and ash leave and once again Travis stays bye me.

Travis POV
I didn't get much sleep last night every time I closed my eyes it would seem a doctor would come in and check on sal. Not that I'm mad I'm glad to see he's doing okay.

-Flashback to when sal and Travis arrived at the hospital-

3rd pov
"NURSE! EMERGENCY OPERATION!"One of the doctors yell. "I need him rushed to room 208 medical ASAP!" The doctor yells back. "Yes sir." The nurse takes the bleeding out male on the stretcher from doctor taking him to the operation room. Doctors rush in. "Name" doctor states. "Sal Fisher." The Nurse answers "Age" "18" "any allergies to medication?" The nurse flips threw some stuff. "No sir." "Alright, his family is in the waiting room floor 3 you can inform them on what's happening and let them know what surgery's going to be done, as from what one of the paramedics said it that he has two gun shot wounds one in the abdomen and one not hitting anything but the second bullet hit his uterus so we're going to have to be extra careful around can leave thank you nurse.Ella." The doctor says the the young woman. "Welcome sir." She says walking away. As she walks out you can hear the surgeons yelling at one other on what needs to be done. Nurse.Ella makes her way to the third floors waiting room. Once she gets to the waiting room she calls out the name. "FISHER!" A man with blue hair and three teens make the way over to me. "Sal's father?" I ask he shakes his head yes "okay, Sal is in the operation room he is currently getting the bullets wounds taken care of." "What are the injury's?" "He has taken two shots one to the abdomen and one lower hitting the uterus were not sure yet if the bullet has done any damage but most likely the wound is quite deep.
you will be informed as soon as the surgery is done." The nurse leaves with a sweet smile.

-end of flashback because the dumb Arthur doesn't know shit about doctor crap.-

Travis's POV
There's a knock on the door before it's opens revealing sal's nurse walks in. "How you feeling?" "Good?" Sal say but it comes out more of a question. "On a scale of 1-10 where would you rate you're pain at?" "I'd say about a 6 I'm not felling any pain right now do to the medication." "That's good we want to keep you above a five if you stay above the five we can get you out of here sooner." Sal nodded his head. "We're you informed about the damage that you're body has taken from the bullets?" "No ma'am." "Okay,so I'm sure you were aware that you were shot...twice one in the abdomen and one hit your uterus. Taking some damage to it. Nothing life threatening but you may have a couple problems." "Such as.." Sal say "you might have some problems with bearing a child. I'm sorry I should have asked this before are you okay with talking about this in front of him?" The nurse points to me and sal just shakes his head yes. "Okay,if you do end up trying for a kid you could have a miscarriage. There is a slight chance that you will might beable to Carry a baby but it's a very rare that it will survive." The nurse continued "O-oh." Sal says. Shifting uncomfortably. "I'm sorry," "no,no it alright you haven't done anything wrong," "okay, well that's all the news I have for now once again I'm sorry and we have a menu for when you are ready to eat and if you need anything don't be scared to call for me." The nurse says leaving the room. "Are you okay?" I ask walking over to sal. "Yeah, fine," Sal says. I lean over pulling him into a hug. "I know you're not but just know im here if you need anything." "Thank you." Sal says and we pull away from the hug. As a knock comes from the door. "Hello?" Sal called out. "Hey little dude. Dad just dropped me and ash off wanted to see how you're feeling." He says walking in with ash"Well considering I can't have kids now I think I'm doing A-O-TOMATO." Sal says,"Ah I'm sorry little dude I'm sorry. You've always talked about having your own kids." "Wait one second. Three things. One, you're a bitch how come i didn't know you were a carrier. Second can't you get a girl yah know pregnant. And three you can adopt." "Yeah but I-" sal's cut of once by the door being knocked on. "I'll talk to you about it later..." the door walks in and the policemen from a day ago came in with a little child. "OH MY GOD RAE!" Sal yells siting up. "SALLY!" The small girl runs over to him. Sal is able to lean over and hug her. "Ah so she did know you."

Sal's POV
"How are you little missy." I say to rae and let her sit up on the bed next to me. "I have a family!" She yells excitedly. "That's my dad there." She points to the police officer in the corner. I give a small wave and he gave a short smile. "I'm so happy for you." I say giving her a small hug cringing as my stomach starts to burn. We continue talking for a little bit and then she had to leave, giving her a last hug. I tell the officer 'thank you' for what he did he just shakes it off like it was nothing. "Her birthday is in a couple weeks if you're still in town come stop by?" The officer says before he steps out the door. "I'll try." We switch contacts and they leave. "So that's Rae?" Hear Travis ask I shake my head yes. "She's adorable." "I know." As time goes on more doctors come in and out of the room checking on me I ordered some food at some point ordering extra so travis can have some. At some point I fall asleep at some point.

-time skip sal's out of the hospital-
I was able to go back to hotel and just relax. Travis went back home for a little bit he said he was gonna shower. I'm gonna go do the same. I take of my prosthetic and Grab some new cloths I make my way to the bathroom and start the sower. Riding myself from my cloths I step in the steaming water, letting the fog clear my mind and the hot water relax my body. As I finish washing my self I step out of the water and dry myself off putting the new cloths on I lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

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