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(Okay I have a confession...when someone adds my books to a reading list I always check out the profile to get a look at what kind of person they are.😂 don't judge me okay. And it's always fun to see all the funny usernames, my personal favorite is the "Ur gay father." Or some shiz like that. I also see that a lot of you guys share the same interests as me. And I see if y'all have books I can read that you've made. Some do some don't. 😂 sorry, anyway on to the story...)
Sal's POV
"What type of gift do you think she would like?" I ask ash, she's helping me pick out a gift for Rae. "I don't know when I saw he last was like almost four years ago." She says. "I'll ask her dad," I grab my phone and text the cop.
I walk down the Isles and see if anything picks my interest soon getting stoped by some fans. "May we take a picture." The girl asks. Oh of course. She gets giddy and the girl hands the phone over to her friend who then looks sad but quickly turns it into a smile, me and ash step closer to the girl and pose for the picture. Ash has a small smile and I just have a peace sign. The girls friend took the photo and handed the phone back, "wow I got a picture with them! I can't wait to brag to the school." I hear the girl say as they walk away. But before they could get to far I called out to the red head. "Hey!" Both the girls turn around. "Would you like a picture as well?" I ask her eyes light up but her friend gets mad and I can hear her growl from over here, "n-no it a-alright." She says but I can tell that she was lying. "Then may we have a picture with you?" I ask she shakes her head yes and runs back over to us her blond friend getting very angry. I take out my phone and go to the camera. Me ash and the girl take a picture. Once done I ask her name she tells me. she then runs off back to the side of the angry blond. "Control freak." Ash says I shake my head and sigh.  "That's not a proper friendship." I say soon distracted by my phone. "Apparently she doesn't want me to get her stuff, oh well she's now going on a shopping spree with me and you." I say texting the cop and he says that it's okay, me and ask get a snack and make are way over to Travis house and wait for the cop to text back what time I can get her. "Hey sal?" Travis asks. I look over to him to show that he has my attention. "Can you help me remake the bed." "Ew what did y'all do to mess it up?" "Ash you are disgusting." I say laughing. And Travis turns red, we get done making the bed and ash falls asleep on Judys lap. My phone goes off again and the message says -any time she's ready now so you can get her.- way his reply. "Who ya texting?" Travis asks peering over my shoulder. "Raes dad." "Why?" "Me and ash are taking her shopping for her birthday." "Oh wow so you're just gonna leave me here." "Of course not...we need a driver," "oh so now you're using me?" "Oh you love it." I say he shakes his head. "Don't forget me!" Judy yells. "Get ready then!" I yell back we all get in the can and I make my way to the police officers home. Getting to meat the mom and see what kind of house Rae is in. Even tho she's not my kid I just can't help but to feel protected over her." We all go ou t to eat then to some small teddy shop. She got a small stuffed panda and I go a cute teddy bear, we went to a cloth shop. But Ash helped her try stuff on," we checked out and we keep going store to store.
-time skip-
Ones we were done we took her back home and she feel asleep. "Oh wow that's a lot of stuff." Her mom says as we all bring it in. "Thank you for letting me take her shopping." "Thank you for wanting to do this for her." The mom says I give rae a hug and make my way to the car, soon able to get to Travis house and flop on his bed. And almost landed on my cat.

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