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Sal and I have gotten closer over the past few days and he apparently helps ash out with the song writing, we are currently at his apartment with him laying down across his bed with his legs over mine. "So can you sing?" I ask him "no I never really liked my voice so I stop singing." "I bet it's lovely and your just being shy." I say "I'm not shy." He says shaking his head."then why the mask?" "I-uh—It's a prosthetic." "Yeah....what's up with it?" "That is for me to know and for you to keep your nose out of." He sits up getting off the bed and heads over to what I assumed to be the bathroom he closed the door and I just sit there hitting my palm on my forehead calling my self a idiot.
I hear my phone go off and I look at the message from my father. It's just him saying that I need to get back to my "house" Now,I send a quick Okay and get up walking over to the bathroom door knocking telling sal that I'm going back to my house. I walk out the hotel room.
As I unlocked the door to my studio and walk in seeing my father and mother siting on the couch with a girl and two other people I have never seen in my life. I take off my shoes and set my keys on the wall window. I go into the the kitchen grabbing a water bottle then make my way to the living space sitting on the arm chair across from them.
I cross my foot over my knee taking a drink of water looking at my father. "Travis this is Judy and mr.and mrs Mayochiy." "He says I look at him giving a look as if I'm saying "and your point is?" But I keep my mouth shut. I look over the girl she is very pretty, she has emerald green eyes and long jet black hair that fades into a dark brown put up in a high ponytail showing off her sharpe jaw line and her ear piercings she has one ear pierced all the way down and the other just on the earlobe she has on a black lose crop top that shows of her spots bra and black sweet pants tide with a red string and to finish off the look she has on dark gray knee high converse with light gray laces.
The mother looks to be in her late 30s and the father around the same. "Why are they in my house?" I say looking back at my father. "Well me and your mother thought it was best if you settled down and get a wife." "Thank you for the offer but no thank you,now can you all please leave my house." I say standing up pushing my hands toads the door."sit down Travis." My mother warned threw her grit teeth. I took my eyes and sit back down leaning my head back in annoyance pinching the bridge of my nose. "We have arranged a marriage for you two." I quickly snap my head up looking at my mother in disbelief. "No thank you I'm fine on my own I don't need a rel-." I see my father tapping his hands on the side of the couch with a sly smirk on his face.
I give up and let them take control over my life once more, both are parents leave and she is left behind because "we need to get to know each other." "Ugh FINALLY!" I her her say I look at her in confusion. "I'm sorry about this but let me properly introduce myself, I'm Judy Melissa Mayochiy." "Oh your the model." "Yeah.." "I'm Travis Asher phelps."
"Let me set this on the table, your quite attractive but I'm lesbian I have no say so in what I do I just have to sit still and look pretty. "Tell me about it, and I'm gay." "Good now that we're on the same page I go need to say that we can keep up the image that we excepted the choice the had made for us and avoided the drama or we can steal them off I go with the hole no drama." "Same here,you know you are something we're gonna get along just fine." "Good,but I'm there is one problem." "What's that?" "They do want us to stay in the same house hold and I live with my parents I can't have my own money." "Dude,I thought only my parents did that." "Nope your not alone." "And so I get this right your the singer?" "Yes speaking of I need to eat and get to bed I have a busy day, you can take the bed I'll sleep on the pull out couch." "Not a good idea I herd them say that they will be checking on us in the morning." "Oh god my parents are so umm patient,I'm sorry." "Oh no your okay I'm sorry." We laugh a bit and we just let time slip by. I ordered some take out for us and then I get to bed I guess she doesn't sleep.
Waking up to my dad storming in it something in not new to but Judy was not to happy with that. "You Liston here old man you need to learn not to do that if I'm going to be here I need my privacy....what if I was naked?,huh." She says swinging her arms around "I'm-im sorry I'll keep that in mind next time." "Now get out and knock like a normal human.." "DID I STUTTER...NOW." My father walks back out and I look at her shocked. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opens. "There was that so hard?" "No I suppose not." "Now what can I help you with." "Travis needs to get ready and same as you he needs to go record the new song with those people." "Those people have names I hope you know how to address them as such." "Uh." "Why are you still standing there I need to get ready and I'm not letting you watch me." "Oh uh so-sorry." My father quite and quickly leaves my studio and I look at her in amassment."Okay you need to stay here for ever I never seen anyone tell off my father like you just did." "Haha." We get ready and head to my car I unlocked the doors and hop in the drivers seat as Judy hops in the passenger seat.
(*snorts* hehe Judy hops hehe.)
We get to the studio and wait for the others to arrive I'm making small talk with Judy and honestly she is funny I hope we become good friends. They all arrive around ten minutes later and we all just sit down and talk about the song all the older people leave for a time out while we all continue to talk. I see Judy looking at the emo girl. "You know if you keep staining she will catch you." "Huh,oh, um,yeah." She looks the other way and pushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Go talk to her."

(Thank you for all the lovely people that read this and my other book nice to know it has some people hooked on it. Hope you have a lovely day lads and ladies see you in the fanfic world wish love peace my lovely dudes.)

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