so umm i have news

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It has come to my attention that I'm slowly getting out of the salxtravis ship (I still ship them.) But i will not be making another sal x travis book for some time I'm currently working on a one shots book with thatbluehairedkid
And I think that might be the last salxtravis book I do. Knowing me i might lie and make a new book because I love all the support I get from it. I love seeing all the comments and how some people enjoy the books. I loved how I've made some cool "friends" I hope that I can call them that. But however I have recently joined a new ship that I'm new to Drarry
(Draco malfoy c Harry potter) I might make some books on that ship so stick around if you would wanna be there for that. I'm not gonna leave the books that I'm working on now go unfinished I will finish them but I came giving one up for adoption. "Once family always family." The book is still relatively new and has a lot of ideas that can go into it I just cant keep up with it. If anyone is interested private messages me and we can see. Thank you all so much and peace.

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