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Sal's POV
Larry has dropped me back off at Travis's Larry had asked for some help to set something up for Angelina. I walk up to Travis studio apartment and knock on the door. Once there's no answer I reach for the door knob, and twist expecting it to be locked the door just opens.I walk in close the door turning to look down the small hall I take my shoes off and walk down the small hall and into the  living room there's no lights on and the sun is setting giving the living room a beautiful glow I walk to Travis's room and expect him to be on his phone, but instead I'm met with a bed littered in snacks and drinks. "Movie night?" I hear Travis say I turn around he has a smirk placed on his face. Holding some movies"Nah." I say jokingly "to bad you don't have a say so." He says he walked over to the dvd and placed a movie in it and sets it up. I just get comfortable on the bed. Once everything's set up Travis joins me on le be. "Shall we begin?" "We shall."
-time skip after three movies.-
We take a break from the movies and I stretch out. Travis dose the same but rolls onto his tummy. "You better not fall asleep on me mr." I say to Travis. Travis closes his eyes, I sit up slightly resting my head in my hand so I can poke Travis. "Poke..poke....poke....poke....pooookkkkeee.." "if you poke me again i'm going-" I cut him off by poking his cheek. "That's it." He gets up and just flops on me knocking some breath from my lungs. "Travis stop,get off me you weirdo." I say laughing he brings his hands up to my sides and timely "s-stop that that tickles!" I yell as he continued. After a minute or two he stoped. I take in a breath and let it escape. Pushing my fingers under my prosthetic to release some pressure and laugh. "Is your mask bothering you?" "No,not really." "Well it's bothering me, take it off." He says taping the prosthetic cheek. I do as he said. Travis pushes himself up so that he's towering over me. "What are you looking at?" I ask laughing he just smiles. "I have a question." "I may have a answer." "Okay smart ass never mind." He says looking away from me. "Tell me." I say laughing, grabbing his face to look at me. He looks at me for a little while with out saying anything. And iv makes me shrink a little. "W-will you be my boyfriend?" He says with a small studder. I give a small smirk. "Of course." He leans down and gives me a kiss. I take my hands from his face and wrap my arms around his shoulders. The kiss starts to get more heated and sloppy.

(Ight here's the second part of this whatever 😂 like 10 days later. Sorry boiizzzz and gillzzzzz I'm slow.)

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