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(No this is not a self note, I just wanted to say that the first chapter of my new book is up. [Once family always family.] it's the second book to it takes more than time.I'm not that good at naming things okay and if you. the reason for this being up here is because I know people don't really read the bottom notes I leave so I put it up here. Okay,okay back to the story.)
Larry's pov
I go to my parents rental room and knock on the door. Mom opens the door and lets me inside. "Where's dad?" He's in the living room why?" "I need to talk to him about something important." "What's up?" "I'll explain when I tell dad so I don't have to say it over." She nods and we walk into the living room mom gets his attention. "Yeah?" He says looking over at me as mom points to me. "What's wrong?" He asks I don't see how he could tell something was up I'm not making any faces. "Well, me and the gang along with Travis went to to a theme park and we all split up in to pairs of two then when time came to re-group sal and Travis never made there way back to us." "Did he stay later and go back to Travis." "I thought the same but sal wouldn't leave without telling someone." "True, have you tried texting him?" "Yes,we got no reply." Okay I'll try. He knows the drill." Dad says calmly
3rd pov
As the two men were turned towards each other. One man struggles to try and get loose. "Its not going to work. The blond says "I know I'm just trying to get my mind off the fact that I have to really pee." Sal says bounce if his leg. "Really?" Travis asks with a straight face. "What I've been in this chair tied up for what feels like days buts it's probably only being ten hours."sal says rubbing is knees together"You're rather calm seeing the situation we have gotten ourselves into." "I only get scared if I know there's absolutely no possible escape." As sal finished his sentence with three men barging into the cement room. "My men came back and said that the The orphanage didn't have any track records of the her." "I don't know why to tell you then." Sal says looking dead in to the mans eyes. "Tell me where she is or he gets a bullet through his head." The man threatened. "I-" Sal gets cut of by the sound of sirens. "You mother fucker." The man says and pulls out a hand gun letting out two shots. The man then runs out of the room and form the sounds of it he was caught because all that filled the halls were his shouts.
Larry's pov
Me dad and ash are rushing to where sal's tracker says he is.  With the cops leading the way."I hope he's okay." Ash says from the backseat. "He will be." Dad says in a not so sure tone.we then pull up to an abandoned looking house. A police officer comes up to are car telling us to stay in the car no mater what we here and what happens. As soon as the officers get to the door two gunshots are herd from inside. The men bust down the door and all rush inside. Minutes later a man is pulled out side he struggles in the police officers grasp. A few more men were pulled out and put into the back of police cars. Medic's  rush in to the house with a stretcher. "Dad gets out the car and rushes over to a police officer.
Chief police officer's POV
As my men bust down the door at the sound of gun shots we all rush in and follow where the sound came from. One of my men must have spotted someone because they ran after them and tackles them to the ground. The rest of us split off in to three groups two followed the path that the man was running for. Another went back up to see if we missed anything dew to rushing in. Me and a few other men and are way in to a concrete room." The sound of a male yelling was being thrown in the air for us to hear. Putting my gun back in the utility belt. Yelling for a medic. Pushing myself down to my knees I untie the hurt male then the other. Once I was done with his ropes he rushed over to the other male. Grabbing him and holding close. I could tell that the male cared for the other. As the medic rushed in with a stretcher putting the injured male on it taking him out to the ambulance. Walking out of the abandoned house the male rushed pass us and to the ambulance. "Sir we're going to need you to back up." One of the medics says. I walk up to the medic and lean in to say something to him. "Leave him he seams to be close to him." The medic shakes his head in understanding, the medic opens the doors and gets the stretcher in and lets the male inside the ambulance I close the door for them and make my way over to what looks to be the father of one of the men. "What hospital are you taking them to?" The male asks. "Nockfell center, on camrel and orchid make sure you go threw the emergency doors and let them know who you're there for, they'll tell you everything." The male thanks me and walks back in to the car. Making my way back to the police station I clocked out for the day telling everyone bye and see them tomorrow some throw jokes at me while others tell me to tell my wife they said hi. Making my way back home I parked my car in the driveway turning off the engine locking the car doors and making my way inside. "Hunny in home!" I yell I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and my wife coming down stairs. Giving her a kiss on the lips I ask her where are daughter is and she says in her room. Making my way to her room I knock on the door waiting for her to grant me permission to enter. "Come in!" She yells from the other side of the door. "DADDY!" The small girl says running up to me. "Hi my little bean." I say hugging her back. "How was work?" She asks siting back down. "Did anyone get shot?" "Actually someone did get shot." "Who! Tell me tell me tell me!" She exclaimed excitedly. I crouch down to he level and tell her. "Well, he has blue hair it was put into two pigtails and was kinda short from the looks of it. The other male was yelling a name I'm guessing was his. I think it was sal?" I finished and her face is covers with shocked. "Daddy, I KNOW THAT MAN. DADDY I KNOW THAT MAN." She says running up to me grabbing my face pushing me back and forth. "Okay calm down calm down.""CALM DOWN! HE SAVED ME AND HES HURT HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?" "Okay would you feel better if we go visit him tomorrow?" She shakes her head yes. "Okay then go to bed and I'll get off work early so we can. Okay?" "Okay daddy." She says. "Love you raebean," "you too." She says and I frown a small bit she never says it back.
(Ah what chapters are closer together and not weeks apart whaaaaaaaa okay bye. NO WAIT IF YOU DIDINT READ THE VERY TOO PLEASE READ IT. Okay okay bye.) (oh and I completely forgot thank you Sylwiiah for naming Julia in this book. I was so caught up in talking to you I forgot to thank you for the name.. okay bye for real this time.)

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