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Still Larry's pov
I look down onto the floor to see what's blocking the door to finding an unconscious sal. And some how i squeeze through the smal crack of the door. I pick up sal and take him to the living room. I turn on the light witch makes everyone gron and sit up. "Whst the fuck larry turn the light off." Ash says. "Um we have a slightly big problem." I say. Every one looks at me to see. And at that moment panic fills the room. "Oh my god what happend to sal?" Todd asks. "I dont fucking know. I woke up to a bang on the bathroom door so I went to go check it out and was met with an unconscious sal." "Here put him on the couch." Ash says moving so I can put him where she was. "I'm gonna go wake up travis and I think we should get sal to the hospital." I say going to travis's room. "Hey travis you need to wake up." I say shaking his shoulder trying to get him up. He gets up and rubs his eyes. "Wheres sal?" He asks looking at the empty spot next to him."Unconscious in the living room." "WHAT!' He yells and gets up going into the living room. "Larry what happened." "I dont fucking know I just woke up to a bang on the bathroom door and bam sal was passed out on the floor." "Should we take him to a hospital?" Travis asks. "I wanna say yes but I'm not sure if it's a serious matter. Because we all know sals a clumsy bitch." I say. "But you can never be to careful I say we should." Todd chimes in. We all nodded "larry come with me well take him you four can stay so were not a whole bunch of people." Evryone nods.

Sals pov
Skip to when he wakes up

I wake up in a bright room with loads of light giving be a headache. I sit up instantly regretting that as nausea comes over me. I lay back down and grunt. Theres a small knock on the door. A woman comes in and walks over to the computer. "Good morning mr.fisher I'm your nurse Kate.  how are you feeling today." "Not too good." "Oh I'm sorry, your friends had brought you in and you were unconscious so we didn't really know what happened." Says hear that you are expecting, oh my congratulations!" "Thank you." "Now can you tell me about what happened?" She asked sweetly. "I woke up to some bad cramps and the urge to vomit. So I went to the bathroom. But the toilet was only full of blood." "Oh no, well there can be two reasons for that now going with the positive side. Do you still get morning sickness?" "No ma'am that stoped a little over a week ago." "Hum." She types some stuff on the computer. "Well were going to run some simple test. Blood test oxygen levels a ultrasound. And some scans." I nod. "Okay let me go get some things and I'll be back."
"Wha'd she say?" I hear travis say from the side of the room.  I look over at him. Not realizing that him and larry have been asleep over there. "Oh um. There just gonna do some scans and a ultimatum." Travis nods and gets up walking over to my side

"So what happend?" Travis asks. I tell him.

He puts his hand on my stomach. "I still have yet to tell my parents." "You should." I says "I'm not sure if I want to, I font think I want my parents to be apart of our child's life." "Bummer" I say there was a knock on the door and right after Kate walking in. "AH good morning sir." She says with a bright smile. "Can I sit you up?" "Yeah of course." "Okay I'm gonna lift up your shirt just a tad, this will be cold." "Oh god that is freezing." I say as she puts the jell on my tummy. "If you look you can see the baby right here." She says pointing to the screen. "In a couple more weeks we can find out
the gender." She says moving the wand around my stomach.

"That's odd" mrs.kaite says.Me and travis looks at the moneter to see what she's talking about. "The moneter is picking up two heart beats. But it's to far to pick up yours?

She moves the wand around more I guess trying to get a better view of the baby. "Commen mistake." She takes a cloth and wipes the excess gel of my stomach.

-time skip-

Me travis and larry are eating in the room waiting for mrs.kate to come back with the results. And as if On Cue there was a knock on the door followed by kate walking in.

"Every thing seems to be okay, no torn muscles in your throat rather that's what's throwing me off." She flips threw the papers as if she's trying to finde the answers.

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