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"OH MY GUCKING GOD CONGRATULATIONS. YOU ASS HOLE THANKS FOR TELLING ME SONNER. YOU BITCH!" Ash yells at me giving me a hug. Todd pushed up his glasses. "Well technically I already knew." "Oh yeah. How so?" Larry asks. "The things you were going threw in the imilar things that I'm going threw." Ashley's eyes widened twice there normal size. "Oh my god." I look todd in the eyes and I guess he could read my mind. Because we both yelled. "TWINZIEEZ" he says "but in all seriousness congrats you two." I tell todd and he says the same. For the rest of the night all of us had talked and laughed. They decided to just stay at Travis's studio apartment. Todd and Nile share a couch and so do Judy and Ash (I actually forgot Ashley's name for a minute there.) Larry slept on the single couch and me and travis went to his room. We slept. But I was awoken by a very violent pain in my lower stomach. I curl up somehow thinking that would some how help the pain. I was wrong it only made it worse. A thousand times worse. A choked cry came from me. Trying not to wake up travis I slap my hand over my mouth. I get up off the bed and sneak past all the sleeping people. And into the bathroom. Once I close the door I sink to the floor and start to sob. The pain gradually increases making it harder to breathe making me cry more and coughing. The coughing had turned into violent gags and that made me through up. But . My stomach burned the stomach acid burning my throat. I wipe my mouth
With toilet paper. And notice that there was blood. I look down into the toilet and oh my god it looks like I drained all the blood from my body. I can feel like my life is being drained from my body. I ignore it and flush the toilet. I get up but of course I get dizzy and claps to the floor hitting my head on the door. and next thing I know every things pitch black.
I was awoken from my slumber by the big bang (HEY!) On the bathroom door I sit up a bit startled by the noise. I look around and see who it was. But everyone was in the living room. Besides travis and sal. I get up and walk over to Travis's  room. But it was only him in his bed. So only naturally I go to check on sal. I knock on the door no answer. I knock a couple more times still no answer. "Sal!" I yell (hehehehe that rhymes.) Knocking on the door slightly harder. Still no answer. I put my ear to the door. Cant hear anything. My hand wraps around the door knob and turn it. Expecting it to be locked it wasn't. I pushed the door open slightly but it was suddenly stopped I was a able to put my head through.

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