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Sal's POV
Judy picks up the note and looks back at me then to the note I get a bit closer to her. "What's it say?" I ask leaning over her shoulder. She looks up for a second she puts the note back and closes the door and goes back to the living room. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open the door seeing the note and basket. I pick up the note and start to read it.
Dear person reading this please take care of my child I have no way of taking the roll of a mother at 17. I'm sorry for just dropping a kid on you like this but I do not have any experience with this kind of stuff I have no house it was a one night stand. You don't have to take care of her, please don't put her up for adoption they do horrible things to kids there. I was once there it was not a good place.
A small panic comes over me and I grab the basket and shut the door I go to the kitchen so she doesn't see me and put it on the counter. *this has to be a joke right* I say to myself. I pull the cover down just a little bit to be met with a baby not big enough to be two months old. Her little hands are moving around and her feet are kicking. "Aww why would someone wanna give you up your so cute." I say to her. Her eye's open and I fall in love with her she has one dark blue eye and the other a small bit lighter than the other one.. she puts her hand out to try and grab my prosthetic. I lean closer and let her.
She makes really cute baby noises and I laugh. "How are you not scared of that.....that thing." I hear Judy say. "What do you mean?" I say looking at her. "It's scary." "How?" I ask. "It's a small human that doesn't know anything and has no teeth, it's just so creepy." She says walking over. I take the baby out of the basket. "Don't listen to her she's just a meany." I say holding the baby carefully in my arms. I bounce my arms up and down rocking her back and forth. I hear the door open and I quickly rush into the bathroom. I'm Abel to Hear the conversation going on In the living room. "Where's sal?" I hear ash say "in the bathroom." Oh, I was gonna ask him something." "Well he's not using it." "Oh, why is he in there then?" "Hiding." "From?" You two." "Why." "I don't know." *She's a snitch.* I say to my self,I hear footsteps coming to the bathroom lead by a knock on the door. "Sal what are you doing?" "She told you already." "Why then." "No reason." "Sal come on or I'll call larry." "No, don't call that asshat." I say the baby makes a slight noise I hope ash Didn't hear that,"What was that." "What was what." Thats it I'm calling larry." "No no no. Fine." I walk to the door and unlock it not opening it all the way just enough to see my prosthetic. "Sal." "Ugh Fine you cant be mean ok." "Okay?" She says raising an eyebrow. I open the door all the way and stand in front of her. "Aww she's so cute......wait where did you get a baby from?" I go back into the kitchen withe her following me. I hand her the note and she reads it while she's doing that Travis comes in and a wave of concern comes over his face. "What the hell where did that come from." He says ash hands him the note and he reads it. " you know your dad won't let you keep her." Ash says. "What if I don't tell him. "How are you going to hide a baby. Your not even that good at hide and seek." She says. "And even if you some how managed to do that are you sure you can you have a busy schedule and only get free days off every so often." "I will make time." "Sal..." I walk out of the Kitchen and into the living room.
Ash's POV
I look at Travis he gives me a confused look. "It's not my place to tell you you'll have to ask him and he'll tell you when he wants to." I say to him. "Are the plans still on for today." He asks. I shrug my shoulders "I have no idea,I'll talk to sal." "No I'll talk to him." Travis says. We go into the living room and I sit by Judy and strike up a conversation with her. Travis and sal go some place to talk.
Travis POV
Me and sal go sit on my bed. "Are you okay." "Yeah." He says "you seem mad when ash tried to talk you out of keeping her." "It's nothing." "Are you sure it seems like it is." "You know-never mind." He says. "No tell me." I say, "it's stupid." "I promise you that I won't judge." "Pleas tell me." I say. "Promises are meant to be broken." He say keeping his eyes on the small baby in his arms. "Sal let me be here for you don't push me away you seem so sad that she was trying to talk you out of it." He looks up from her and at a wall. "It's just something stupid." He say. "Okay tell me when your ready,ash wants to know if plans are still on or not." "Um yeah I have a small question." "What's that." "What would you do if you had to choose your kid or popularity." "That's a bit of a personal question." "Never mind you don't need to answer that." He says looking back down at the baby." "Why would you ask something like that?" "It was just a random question." "Yeah but it was jus-." "I said it was a random question that's all." He says. I looked at him in shock. "I'm sorry,it just. I -." He says I can hear his voice crack and that he's about to cry.
He puts the baby on the bed and undoes the bottom strap of his prosthetic and pulls it up. I pull him into a hug and rock him back and forth.

(Okay I may have a small thing for people taking in kids and stuff sooo......yeah......I hope you like dis chapter and have a lovely day lads and ladies I will see you in the fanfic world wish love peace my lovely dudes.)

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