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Sal's POV
As me and Amina wait in the waiting room for my personal doctor to come and call me back. I decided to go on a social media platform and go threw all the resents things there was a lot of stuff I was tagged in and of course I go threw and like every single thing. I stop on ashes post on a picture of our concert. I look at my self and noticed that I'm looking a lil 'thick' and not the good thick. My. Nervousness rising I click on the comments as go threw the top 50.
(Roll on a rock!) ~
(Show me de wayyzzz)~
Look at all the smol beans. I'm so proud of them.
(Give me cookies)~
Not meaning so sound rude but dose anyone notice that our little blue bean is gaining some weight.
❤️x5.3k •reply's—
(Random fan:1)~
I noticed that as well but I didn't wanna point it out.
(Random fan:2)~
Breakthrough! What if sal is actually a Carrier and he's prego.
(Give me cookies)~
Okay that's like a 1 out of 1000 percent chance that that's what the problem is.
As the comments go on I start to think in that comment. That can't be right." "SAL FISHER!" We get up and I quickly make my way to the back rooms with the doctors. "Okay sally tel me the problem." Ms.barch says. "Iv been throwing up for around two months it just stoped but now in getting fat and I'm not eating anything that I usually don't?!" She wrights what I was saying down on the clipboard. "Well I know that you know more about your problem." The doctor says knowing that I usually don't talk about it. "It's alright I trust her." I say to the doc. "Well I'm thinking that you may be well pregnant?" "But the-" "I'm aware of that" the doc says, "but there is almost a small chance." Ms.barch says "say here for a moment I'll be back to take you to get an ultrasound." Doc continue. She left the room. I turn to look at my assistant and I'm met with a cold glare. "What?" I ask in defense, "don't what me! Sal, how are you going to explain this to your parents?" "I'm nineteen they'll get over it." I say shaking off the subject. "And for your career? How do you think thi will-" "Aimee, let it go already we don't even know if that's the case!" I yell back, silently we both sit in the room waiting for the doctor to come back. A light knocks herd on the door then is opened by me.barch comes in the having us follow her to one of the back rooms. Just sit up there and relax.

(I've had a break threw, i'm stupid. Thanks for coming to my ted talk)

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