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Travis's POV
"Shhh,shh, it's okay." I say trying to comfort sal, "you can tell me what's wrong I'm here for you." I say looking down at him. His head stays on my chest, "I don't know how to put this." "Well I'll try my best to understand.""'s......i don't know Travis it just I don't know what to say,okay I don't know why I'm being like this." "Well that because you're upset about something, please tell me and I might be able to help you calm down." I say looking down in to his electric blue eyes as he looks in to my eyes dark coco orbs. (I looked and I guess Travis only has pupils so now he has coco brown.) "tell me." I say one last time. He takes a couple deep breaths and sits back up looking down at the small infant. "Three years ago i witnessed a murder. And the person that got killed had a kid hiding where I was walking."
Sal's pov.
"Larry, no, you know that's not how it works,you have to be patient maybe try to talk to her.whats the worst that can happen she says no." I say and let a short laugh out. "Yeah dude you're right, and who in their right mind would refuse this hot Mess." "There's the over confident Larry I know." "Oh haha, Okay I'm gonna hang up, when are you coming home?" "I'm almost there I-I gotta go." I say he says by and I do the same.i look closer to see if I was just seeing things but I was right there was a small child cowering in between two dumpsters. I look around the ally and walked over to the shivering kid. "Hey,are you okay little one?"  I say. The kid looked up at me. As the kid sees me it back in to the wall more. "P-p-pl-please do-don't Hur-t me." The little kid says,"I'm not going to hurt you I promise." I say looking in to the now recognized as girl. "Where's your parents?" I say to her. She looked too her left and I look the same way. "Mommy and daddy told me to run and hide, so-so I am hiding." She says looking down. "Hide to get from who?" "Very very bad people." "Wait here." I say And stand up, I walk to the end of the ally and look to the right then the left. I hear a small noice and go closer to the left side. "Where the fuck is it." I hear a deep voice say, "please leave my wife and child out of this. "Tell me or there dead." The man says,I hear the sound of a gun being loaded. My eyes widen as I get a clear view and see what was happening I crouch down to not get seen. "I said tell me where it is." The man says a little bit more calm but still mad. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I hear the shaken male say. The man standing up aims his gun at the man. The man pleads for his life right before the bullet hits his head. My eyes widened in shock and horror as the man then positioned the gun in front of the women's head. "Now before I kill you...where's your daughter?" The man says. The woman says nothing. "Why are you people so stubborn the man the pulls the trigger. "Now time for the kid." He says and looks around as to get a good view as to where she went I panic and rush back to the dumpsters. "Um hey little one we have to go now."
"Where's mommy and Daddy." They said that they'll come get you tomorrow right now there in a different place. I say I take off the hoodie I was wearing and put it around her and zip it up and pull the hood Over her head. "What were those two big bangs?" She asked. "They were fire works, it almost the Fourth of July." I say and pick her up propping her on my hip. I walk faster than I normally do. It's silent and I can think about is how my mom and dad are going to react to this. My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I don't answer it. Three more minutes then we're there. I say. We get to the house I walk up the stairs and grab my keys I unlock the doer as quietly as I can and step inside. I rush up to my room and close the door. I set her down and go turn on the light. "Are you hungry?" I ask her,she shakes her head yes. "Okay what do you want." "Humm...can I get some,Mac and cheese, no wait chicken nuggets, wait can I have both?" She says fast and excited. "Yes you can." I say not being able to say no to the adorable child. "Give me a couple of minutes then you can come down stairs and help me Okay I'll call you down." I say and she nods and gives a small smile.
On my way down I knock on everybody's door, ash Larry and the gay duo. As they all come out there rooms I wave for them to follow me down stairs. We get into the kitchen and I stop at the island. "What's up little dude," Larry says propping him self on the counter. "There is a tiny problem." I say and tell them what happened.
"Aw man,that tough shit dude." Larry says "where is she" ash asks she's up stairs," "go get her then." Ash says I walk up the stairs and to my room I knock just to make sure you never know.i open the door ten seconds later and didn't see her on my bed, I look around and didn't see any thing. I look in the closet to see if she might have hid  but she wasn't there.

(Hallo, good by, see ya in fanfic world wish love peace duuuudes.)

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