Chapter 1: Hoseok's Soon-to-be date

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"Minnie, I love you." Yoongi said burying his face in Jimin's neck.

"Love you too Baby boy." Jimin said. He sighed in content and let his head fall on his hyung's head while his hyung passed out due to exhaustion after muttering the three loving words.

The action wasn't gone unnoticed by another person who was known for his bright aura but right now no sane person would like to even go a little bit closer to him.

He closed the door and walked to another room as his shared room was occupied by the two lovebirds. He entered the room after knocking twice.

Hoseok's POV

"Hi hyung. Can I sleep here with you?" I asked and the hyung looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched together as if to show that he was confused.

"Why Hoseokie? Is your room not available?" He asked and I nodded.

"Hyung Yoongi and Jimin did the thing and now they are sleeping. I don't wanna go in there." I said and looked down. I was still uncomfortable of saying the s word or the f word out loud. It embarrasses me.

"Ok. You can sleep in Jimin's bed." Hyung said. "Ok, Jin-hyung." I said and walked towards the bed. I laid down on the bed and was instantly greeted by Jimin's scent.  

As I was an omega, my sense of smelling was the strongest and therefore I could smell Jimin's scent as if he is beside me.

The thought of Jimin beside me, cuddling with me and holding me gently made me shy but again my brain was met with reality.

The reality that Jimin and Yoongi were in a happy relationship of nearly 11 months.

"Hobi?" Jin-hyung said after some time and I didn't respond him, I knew he called me to check if I am sleeping or not. After all it was not he first time I slept with Jin-Hyung in Jimin's bed.

I heard some shuffling behind my back and the bedroom door opened and closed. He was probably going to Namjoonie, who shared his room with Jungkook.

Jungkook would be gone to Taehyung's room who slept alone as he had a habit of snoring loudly but Jungkook would snore more loud than him. Funny I know.

You would be thinking right now that why is Jin going to joon's room. Well, Namjoon and Jin are in a relationship. Namjoon being an Omega and Jin an Alpha, the public accepted their mating and the elders approved it.

Taehyung and Jungkook were also in a relationship. Taehyung was the Alpha while Jungkook was an Omega. Their relation was also approved.

Both of the couples had made it official last year at our Japan's concert.

Yoongi and Jimin were in a relationship too but they didn't made it official as they know their parents and elders would not approve because they were an Alpha-Beta couple and we are famous all around the world so we don't want to get defamed because of an Alpha-Beta couple.

Every member of BTS told them to tell the public and make it official but they said that they don't want to spill water on all of our struggles, the sacrifices we made to reach at this position we're now in.

All this thinking made me super tired and soon I fell asleep.

End of the POV

It was the next day. This day was colder than yesterday as there was a chance of snowfall. The weather forecast even said that there would be snow-storm. It was 11:00 and the members were awake except Hoseok.

SeokJin was making breakfast for everyone. Namjoon was sitting on the kitchen counter and admiring his mate. Occasionally, they would make eye contact and Jin would give him a little kiss before returning back to his cooking.

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