Chapter 30: Namjoon

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[Warning! It contains some sad things along with mention of a singer's death. If it saddens you then I recommend that you don't read. I will give a small summary at the end of the chapter. REMEMBER ALL OF THE CONTENT IS TRULY FICTION!!!]

I was there when Yoongi had the breakdown and went into his head space.  The doctor had called me the next day. He said that it was going to turn into a mental illness if he doesn't come back soon. He had asked me to keep it a secret. So I did keep it a secret.

It brought back many memories from the past. From our trainee days. I remember all of the trainees struggling and praying that they would be selected. I remember one of the trainee who is now a well-known celebrity in Korea, who got dismissed. We shared dorms together and he was so hard broken but he said that he won't give up and would achieve his dreams no matter what.

I remember Jonghyun's funeral. He died because of the stress and hate that he received in the past. He had committed suicide because it had become too much for him. I along with the members had gone to the funeral personally. I really hope that that won't happen again. But you can't get away from fate. From Death.

I remember when we were selected as the official members of BTS, we were so stressed about our debut. We had worked till our bones and muscles and every tiny bits of our body was sore and unable to move. I remember that night when we were too tired but Jin-hyung had stayed behind because he said that he wanted to eat some sushi from the stall that he saw when we were coming to our rented dance studio.

What a liar.


That night, I had forgotten to bring my towel with me. The next day, I had to do the laundry so everyone had already put their dirty clothes in the basket. Jungkook had reminded me about my towel that I take to our dance rehearsals.

"Oh shoot! I have forgotten it in the studio." I said while holding a hand on my forehead. Jungkook chuckled at me and I glared at him.

"Go and get it. Take the keys, they are on the key holder by the door." He said and went away. I had quickly ran towards the door and wore my shoes taking the keys from the key holder. I ran my way towards the studio building and took the elevator towards where our studio was situated. 

When I got off of the elevator on our floor, I could hear our debut song being played from down the corridor. My first thought was calling the police as someone had broken in our studio and also is trying to steal our song. I quickly ran towards the door but stopped myself when I saw what I saw.

Our studio has a glass door and I could see a silhouette there...dancing? Why were they dancing to our debut song? Is it one of the members? I had then looked for a watch and remembered I had my phone in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was 3:00 A.M right now.

I opened the studio door and the silhouette stopped dancing in the middle. They came near the light and I was shell shocked. It was Jin-Hyung!!

"Hyung?" I had asked shock and confusion evident in my voice. He went to stop the music and he came towards me.

"What are you doing here Joon-ah?" He asked. He was panting hard. He came closer to me and I can see his unfocused eyes. Had he been practicing for almost 3 hours? Had I been awake for more than 22 hours? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating because of the stress?

These thought were ringing in my head. I think hyung had sensed my inner turmoil because he put a hand around my waist and his other hand lightly patted my temple.

"What is going on in there?" He chuckled as I blushed at our closeness. I remember that was the day when I started to fall in love with him.

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