Chapter 29: Hate Myself.

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[The medical term used in this chapter is not real. Not proofread. If there are mistakes, then ignore them or correct me. <3 Enjoy.]

"Yoongi, please talk to us." Jin said as he knelt down in front of Yoongi who was still in shock.

"Hyung, I think we should call our doctor. He has been like this since yesterday. Did he sleep last night?" Jungkook said and then diverted his attention towards Hoseok who was being cradled by Taehyung.

"He didn't." Jimin said from his spot from the armchair in the room. Namjoon put a hand on his hand as he was sitting close to him on the other armchair. Jimin had his eyes on Yoongi and he looked how Yoongi was sitting on the middle of the bed with his knees up to his chest. He was looking down. His eyes were dilated, it felt as if he wasn't in this world.

"Why did he even go into shock? This has never happened." Jin said as he frowned while trying to shake Yoongi out of his mind space.

"It happened because his father had slapped him. He had talked so highly of them with us. There were no chances of his parents rejecting him. Then this happened. It was the first time his parents had laid their hands on him." Hoseok said from his spot from the other side of Yoongi.

"That's enough. I am gonna call the doctor. Everyone, come out with me. Hobi and Jiminie, you can stay here." Namjoon ordered and left the room after patting Jimin's head lightly. The other members then too left the room after giving small reassurances to the trio.

Jimin walked towards Hoseok and sat beside him.

"Seokie, Mrs. Min said that he can come meet them when he isn't a part of us." Jimin said lightly.

"Should we... Should we break up?" Hoseok said. His voice coming out as restrained. Jimin's eyes went big and he frantically shook his head.

"No, that cannot happen. At all!" Jimin said and shook his head again. Hoseok nodded and then gave his attention to Yoongi.

"But if that is the only thing to bring back Yoongi, then promise me, we will split up." Hoseok said as he placed a hand on Yoongi's hand.

"I will make sure that doesn't happen. As an Alpha, it is my duty to protect my mates." Jimin said and Hoseok smiled at him. He placed his other hand on Jimin's cheek.

"Minnie, you are so cute! So what if you're an Alpha, it is all of our duty to protect each other." Hoseok said and Jimin smiled.

"I am not cute! I am hot and handsome."

"No, you are just adorable and the sweetest little mochi that I want to eat, that every child wants to eat cause it looks so cute and just-" Hoseok said and then squealed like a 10-year old. Jimin laughed at his antics, Hoseok laughed too joining Jimin.

"I could always count on you making the situation light." Jimin said once the laughter died down. Jimin leaned in and gave a peck on Hoseok's lips.

"I love you." Hoseok said once Jimin had moved back.

"I love you too and don't worry, we will go through every obstacle in our lives together." Jimin said with heart eyes while holding Hoseok's hand in one hand while Yoongi's other hand --which was not tightly gripped by Hoseok-- in the other.


The doctor checked Yoongi's eyes by shining a torch on them. He then retracted back and wrote something on his notepad. He then checked Yoongi pulse from his wrist and again wrote something on his notepad. He then put the notepad aside and and grabbed his stethoscope. He then checked Yoongi's heart beat and put the instrument aside and again wrote something on his notepad.

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