Chapter 16: YoonMinSeok

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 "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, we three can't be in a relationship. Either you two have to break up and get with me. I have thought about it, honestly, I was about to give up on you both just because of this reason. I thought that it is better if one person sacrifices than having two people sacrifice." Hoseok said and tears brimmed at his eyes.

"Baby, no one will give any sacrifices. We won't tell about us three to anyone except the members." Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

"But I am afraid of the judging eyes." Hoseok said now he his tears were falling from his eyes.

"Seokie, I am sure the members won't look at us with the judging eyes. We will hide this from even the crew people. Only four people will know." Yoongi said and wiped Hoseok's tears. Hoseok sniffled and cried more.

Both Yoongi and Jimin hugged him. Jimin kissed Hoseok's tears away. They remained in their cuddling position for awhile until Jin called them for dinner. They all sat up on the bed and Jimin and Yoongi smirked looking at Hoseok. Hoseok noticed this and blushed. 

"What!" Hoseok asked.

"You should look in the mirror." Yoongi said. Hoseok looked at him confused but made his way towards the mirror. He gasped at what he saw. His back and front body was covered his red marks. He traced each of them and then looked them from the mirror.

"I can't believe this actually happened." Hoseok said. Yoongi and Jimin smiled at him. They all kissed each other. Hoseok dressed himself and they all went towards the dining area where all of the members were.

Jungkook was the first to notice them and threw out his banana milk on Taehyung. He choked on his favorite drink as he noticed the hickeys on Hoseok. The other three also looked at them. Their reactions were all different. Namjoon squealed, Jin was wiping away his imaginary tear, Taehyung was choking on his bite witb banana milk on his face while Jungkook was recovering from his choke

"Is this what I think it is?" Namjoon asked he trio.

"Yeah, umm... We are a thing now." Yoongi said blushing and scratching his neck. Everyone cooed at the grandpa blushing. They all congratulated the trio and then celebrated it by drinking Soju.

"Honestly, I knew something fishy is going on when you three didn't come downstairs." Taehyung had said to the couple and they looked at him as if he had said the most lamest thing ever. Which was true...

The members all said their goodnights to others and went towards their room. Hoseok was too on his way towards his room when Yoongi grabbed his hand.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked. 

"To my room?" Hoseok asked.

"No Seok, you will sleep with us." Yoongi said.

"Where?" Hoseok asked.

"Well, Jin will go to Namjoon's room and Jungkook will go to Taehyung's room so we will sleep in Jin's and Jimin's shared bedroom." Yoongi said.

"But-" Before Hoseok could finish, Yoongi spoke.

"We will put the two single beds together." Yoongi spoke. This answered Hoseok's question. Hoseok looked at him confused.

"How did you?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi just shook his head. They went inside the room and Jimin was already there sitting on the sofa which was facing the huge window that had a great view of horizon. Yoongi left Hoseok at the door and went towards Jimin sitting on his lap. Hoseok awkwardly  made his way towards the bed as he didn't know where he should go.

"I love you." Yoongi said to Jimin. "I love you too." Jimin replied and they kissed each other. Hoseok was looking at the scene fondly. He averted his attention towards his phone which was vibrating too much. He unlocked his phone and looked at the notification. #BTSinBillboard was trending #1 in WorldWide trends. He smiled at that. He started feeling dizzy so he put his phone on the nightstand and held his head. He then laid down on the bed and put the covers on him. As he was drunk, sleep came to him quickly and he went to sleep.

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