Chapter 34: Loving Ourselves

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[Please ignore the mistakes or just correct me.]

The elevator dinged open and the members came in. They each wore a mini backpack in which they had stored their clothes. Once they entered the living room, their mouths hung open and eye opened wide. They saw the trio cuddling on the couch as a k-drama played on the T.V.

"You... You..." Jin said. He pointed his index finger towards Yoongi who chuckled at Jin's reaction.

"Am I hallucinating?" Namjoon said as he came forward and stood beside Jin.

"No. I woke up like a day before yesterday." Yoongi said and stood up. He dusted his pants and then opened his arms wide as if inviting them to hug him. Jungkook was the first one who pushed past the shocked members and quickly hugged Yoongi.

"I missed you so much. I thought that we would never meet now. You had promised me to buy lamb skewers for a week. I needed free food and then this happened." Jungkook said and Yoongi laughed and then hit Jungkook's shoulder. Then he engulfed him in a hug and kissed his hairs.

"I am sorry Kook. This won't happen again." Yoongi said.

"Yes. That's right and if it does, I will personally slap you so hard that you will come back within a milisecond." Jin had said this statement. He then came forward and hugged yoongi as well. Soon, Namjoon and Taehyung were also hugging. They all exhanged some love filled messages here and there and then separated when Jimin cleared his throat and asked them to take  a seat.

When everyone settled down, Jimin grabbed Hoseok and Yoongi's hand and took a deep breath in. The other members looked at them curiously.

"We have decided to give this relationship a break." Jimin announced and some small gasps could be heard around the room.

"Why?" Namjoon asked furrowing his brows.

"The past events have been too much for us. We had a mutual discussion when you all were away and we decided that first, we will love ourselves and then we will proceed onto loving each other. Our insecurities got the best of us."

"And if a person doesn't love themselves, how will they able to love others and 2 people on top of that." Hoseok said and squeezed Jimin's hand.

"That's why, we are taking a break. Once we know our paths, ourselves, then we will stop the break and mate each other." Yoongi said. The others nodded.

"We understand and I think this is a very good decision. But, will you guys be okay? Staying away from each other?" Namjoon asked.

"We will not be away. We will see each other everyday, talk with each other and do all of the things best friends should do. Just no kissing and no relationship-y things." Yoongi said.

"We will support you all." Taehyung said and the others nodded.

"I think all of us should find a way to love ourselves. I know we are happy and not depressed but deep down. everyone is not satisfied with themselves. Let's love yourselves together." Namjoon said and the member 'oo-ed'.

"This is how I have planned the concept of our next albums. It would be 'Love Yourself' we will teach our fans and other people how to love themselves through our songs and our lyrics and everything that we can do." Namjoon said.

"I have already talked to Bang PD-nim and he said that it was a very good idea. He liked the idea and he said that he will further develop the idea with the staff and others. He will inform us about our upcoming album's concept after a week." He said and the members clapped.

"Namjoonie, you are so good. Perfect. We can truly rely on you for everything." The members praised him and Namjoon blushed.


*Ring Ring*

Jimin's phone rang. He made his way towards small table beside the wall on which he said phone was charging. He took off the charger and answered the call.

"Hello." He said.

"Hello, Jiminie." Another womanly voice spoke.

"It has been so long. I didn't want to call you because I wanted to give you all some space. But, when you didn't callin too long, I decided to call you. Is this a right time?"

"Yes, ma. I am sorry I couldn't call you. The events were just too much for us three and we needed time to process them. Thank you for giving us some space. We have decided to take a break from the relationship." A gasp was heard from the other side.

"Yeah, that is because.........."

And Jimin told his mother about their decision and their upcomg album and it's concept. His mother had given her support too on their decision. Their conversation ended when Jimin was called for the dinner.

The rest of the weeks went by very busily as the members spent most of their time in writing lyrics, going on interviews, composing songs and finally, recording the songs. They just had to film the MV and during this all, they took twitter as their first step towards Loving themselves.

In their free time, they would scroll through twitter and see all the memes and small compilation videos made by armies for them. They all were really cute and sometimes, the members would even blush after watching their smile compilation videos.

So it was safe to say that now they partially loved themselves.


A small chapter because I have an online class. lol.

I wanted to inform y'all that this book will have slow updates as I am getting ready for my upcoming very important exams. They are postponed as of now but I wanted to get ready for it right now.

Also, take care of yourselves and be healthy. I really do hope that this problem is finished soon.

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