Chapter 7: The Heat

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It was the next day and Hoseok's alarm woke him up at 5:00 A.M. 'Didn't I turn it off?' Hoseok had thought. He turned towards Yoongi's bed and saw that he was sleeping there. 'He can't sleep here.' He thought and quickly got up from the bed and went towards him.

'Why is he here? Doesn't he remember that today's my heat?' Hoseok had thought once he was standing near the bed.

"Yoonie... Yoonie." He said as he shook Yoongi but he didn't wake up. He again shook Yoongi, who woke up and glared at him.

"What!" Yoongi snapped at Hoseok who flinched.

"You have to leave this room. Go and sleep with Minnie, I have my heat." Hoseok said. Yoongi glared at him again and then sighed. He took off the blankets from him and stood up. He went towards the bedroom door after wearing his slipper and opened the door.

"Take care." Yoongi said and Hoseok scoffed.

"It's not like I am gonna go through the heat. I will take suppressants once it strikes. I'll join you in your studio then we can work on the song." Hoseok said. Yoongi nodded and then left the room. Hoseok sighed sadly and sat on his bed. He laid on his bed and put his blankets on him. Soon, sleep came to him and he slept.


"Jiminie." Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ears. Jimin squirmed a little and turned the other way and fell asleep again.

"Minnie!!" Yoongi whisper-shouted and shook Jimin aggressively. Jimin groaned and turned his body facing towards Yoongi.

"What?" Jimin whispered. Yoongi pouted and looked down.

"Hoseok has his heat today and he kicked me out of the room. So I came here to sleep with you." Yoongi said his voice indicating that he had a cute pout on his very cute lips. Jimin smiled when the image of Yoongi's pout crossed his mind. He shifted to the other end of the bed and opened his arms signalling Yoongi to come to him. Yoongi happily laid beside Jimin and he wrapped his arms around his waist. Yoongi had his back against Jimin and Jimin wrapped his arm around his waist and the other hand was stroking his hairs.

"Minnie... Will you one day let me top you?" Yoongi asked after 10 minutes of silence. When Jimin heard the question, he stopped stroking his hairs.

"Why all of a sudden?" Jimin asked him.

"Because, after we both started our sex life, I've wanted to be a top too. I wanted to top someone and at the same time bottom too." Yoongi completed.

"Babe, I would've let you top me if I had control but just hearing you have this idea has my wolf growling at me. I am sorry but I can't let you top me. It's naturally impossible." Jimin finished and started stroking Yoongi's hair again.

"But sometimes I just have an urge to top too, and-" Yoongi was cut off by Jimin pecking his lips.

"Don't use that small brain of yours too much. Let's not talk about it again. Ok?" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

"Use your words babe." Jimin said and Yoongi muttered and small 'ok'. Then he nuzzled his face in Yoongi's neck and breathed in his scent. Soon the couple was in a dreamland.


Hoseok woke up all sweaty and in a lot of pain. His breathing was very hard and he was so much in pain that even moving a muscle hurts. He groaned and tried to rest his back against the head rest. After a lot of trying, he had his back rested against the bed rest. He looked at his bedside table and saw that it was 8:00 A.M. He moved his hand from it's position from beside him and immediately groaned once it hurt like hell.

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