Chapter 23: The doctor's visit

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It was now the next day and the leader of the group along with the sunshine and the maknae woke up early to visit the doctor. SeokJin had also woken up along with them to make them breakfast.

"Hyung, Good Morning! What have you made for breakfast?" Hoseok asked as he sat on the stool.

"I have made some pancakes and orange juice with it." Jin said as he moved around the kitchen grabbing all of the ingredients needed to make the orange juice.

"Yay! Orange juice!" Hoseok said enthusiastically. Jungkook and Namjoon came down after a while and sat on the table. Before sitting, Namjoon made his way towards Jin and Kissed him on his cheeks. Jin smiled at him and Namjoon joined Hoseok and Jungkook.

After eating breakfast, Hoseok collected the dishes and utensils and put them in the sink.

"No need to wash the dishes, I will do it." Jin said. Hoseok nodded and made his way to the elevator through which the trio would exit the dorm. He wore his shoes and waited for Jungkook and Namjoon to wear their shoes too.

"Bye Jin-Hyung!" Jungkook said. Namjoon and SeokJin kissed as it was their way of saying goodbye and then the trio left the dorm.

In the car, Hoseok was sitting in the passengers seat while Namjoon was driving. He was constantly bumping his knees with the glove compartment as a result of his nervousness. Namjoon put a hand on his thighs and rubbed it.

"Don't be nervous." Namjoon said.

"Why are you nervous? It's just a doctor's visit. We have those every month." Jungkook said frowning.

"I am nervous because of the results. I mean, what if something's wrong with me? What if the pills were not made for the heats but for something else? There are so many 'What ifs'." Hoseok said.

"Don't worry, I know that nothing major is wrong. Don't over think and stress yourself out." 

"Pills!" Jungkook shouted and Namjoon gasped and looked at Hoseok in realisation.

"Did you bring the pills?" Namjoon asked and Hoseok nodded. The males sighed in relief and silence fell upon them.


Upon their arrival in the hospital, Namjoon parked the car in the parking lot and three Omegas exited the car making their to the back of the hospital from where celebrities went in. There was a whole new entrance for celebrities because the offices at that part were of the famous and talented doctors.

The doctors also didn't tell anything about the actors to the media and they are paid twice their salaries just to keep their mouths shut. The trio walked towards the reception desk.

"We want to talk to a heat doctor." Namjoon said. The receptionist nodded and clicked at her computer. After awhile she made a call on the telephone and said something which was inaudible to the trio. She kept the phone down and looked at Namjoon.

"Please tell me the patient's name." She said. Namjoon answered and she filled the information on the computer. After asking many questions about age, gender, any medical conditions, any mates, etc, She printed a slip and handed it to Namjoon who took it.

"Go straight, take the first left the third door on the right side is the Doctor's clinic." She said. The trio nodded and made their way towards the clinic.

Hoseok knocked on the door and went in after getting the permission. The trio sat on the seat while Hoseok sat on the stool beside the doctor that is reserved for the patient.

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