Chapter 9: Making the beat

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It was Friday night and Hoseok was busy making the beat. He had a headphone on. His computer had an app on it which was designed to make beats. Before making the beat, Hoseok had listened to the Christmas songs and then got an idea on how to make the beat.

He had completed half of the beat and now he was having some problems to make the climax of the song where the beat drops. He was also thinking on how would he finish the beat.

*Knock Knock*

His studio's door was knocked on. As Hoseok was wearing the headphones he couldn't hear the knocking. The knocking continued. The person out of the studio sighed, he bent down and put his hand on the plant's soil --which was located outside of the studio-- which had rocks on it.

He picked up the rocks that were laying on the soil. After picking 5 rocks he finally picked his 6th rock and a rectangular transparent box was attached to it. He twisted the rock because the cap was glued to the rock, the box opened and he took out the key in it. He closed the cap and messily buried the box and covered it with rocks.

The man inserted the key inside the lock and opened the studio. He walked in the studio and was greeted by Hoseok wearing headphones which were loud enough that he could hear the beat from the door. He walked towards Hoseok and turned the volume down. Hoseok was shocked as the volume was lowered but he sighed in relief when he saw Yoongi there beside the setup.

"How did you came in?" Hoseok asked shocked.

"From the key you had hidden in the plant. I was knocking but you weren't answering." Yoongi answered.

"Oh... Maybe the volume was too high. I didn't even notice that it was high." Hoseok said

"Don't listen to it too loudly, we don't want you going deaf right?" Yoongi asked and patted Hoseok's head who blushed and nodded.

"I am here now so let's finish the beat." Yoongi said and took a seat on the couch,

"Hyung, I have made half of the beat already. You don't have to help me." Hoseok said but Yoongi shook his head.

"Seok, I have to know how the beat is so that I can prepare the lines which match the beat." Yoongi said. Hoseok nodded and handed him the other headphone. Yoongi put the head phone on and Hoseok started the beat from the beginning.

"That's great Seok!" Yoongi said once the beat finished. "Let's work on the remaining half." Yoongi said. Hoseok nodded happily and the pair started working.

Yoongi's POV

I was sitting in the couch and I had a clear view of Hoseok and the computer screen. Hoseok had his headphones on along with me and we were trying different instruments that would fit in the climax area.

"Hoseok, I have the right beat to end the song. How about we make the ending and then we can figure out the middle part." I said to Hoseok.

"But how are we going to make the middle part?" Hoseok questioned. His face expression was so cute. His head was tilted and his eyebrows were pointing upwards.

"I think that if we listen to the ending and the starting we can figure out the middle part eventually." I said and he nodded. We continued our work to make the beat.

After a long time, my ears started hurting due to the sounds.

"Seok, let's take a break." I said but Hoseok shook his head.

"We have to finish this song ASAP. Then we have to finish the lyrics. You can take a rest for a while, I will just finish the ending part." Hoseok said. I was getting very sleepy. I looked at watch and it was 12. I sighed and nodded at Hoseok. I just put the head phones off and rested on the couch and closed my eyes.

After a while I opened my eyes and saw Hoseok. He was very concentrated on the screen. He had his lips in a pout. It was very common when he is concentrating on something. His hands were rubbing his chin. His eyes were sparkling from the light by the computer. His hands would often brush his hairs back. His hairs... they looked so soft. I had the urge to move my finger through them. They looked like they were made from the silk cloth.

His pouted lips... they were so pink and shiny. He had been using that lip balm that Jungkook had gifted him. It was strawberry scented. I knew that because he had offered me. His tongue licked his bottom lips and he bit on it. I thought how would they look like if they were swollen and red with blood coming out because it was ravished by---

No No Yoongi. You have a boyfriend! I scolded myself. How can I think about him like this? Is this considered cheating? But I still love my Jiminie and I can't even think of even leaving him. Then why?

I groaned and pulled at my hairs. This human being who is a literal sunshine is driving me crazy!! I groaned again and stood up. Hoseok was looking at me. I looked at him and without saying a word I left the studio shutting the door harshly. I ran towards the dorms.


Hoseok's POV

Yoongi had taken a break and I was working on the song alone. After a while he started groaning and he abruptly stood up. I looked at him and he glared at me. Then he left the studio slamming the door behind him.

Did I do something? Is he having mood swings? I just shrugged and continued on with my beat. After a while, I was feeling very sleepy so I saved my work and looked at my watch. It was 2 and now the apartment complex would be closed for people. The word had gotten out that BTS and Got7 were living there so to keep the Sasaengs away the rule was made by the management of the complex.

I had to sleep in my studio for today. I sighed at that, the couch in my studio is too uncomfortable and I don't even have a blanket with me. I laid in the couch and stared at the ceiling. I started counting sheep --This technique was taught by my manager when I told him that I couldn't sleep at night-- and then sleep came to me. The next day I was woken up by a phone call. I groaned and picked up my phone. It was 2 P.M and it was Jin-Hyung calling. I quickly stood up and was about to answer the call when the call screen was removed and a notification came stating that I had 7 missed calls. 

The call had went to a missed call. I didn't had balance as the message stated so I messaged Namjoon.


I won't be coming home today.        2:00 P.M


      2:10 P.M        Why?

2:45 P.M        YAH!! tell me why?

I have to make the beat. Don't come to my studio. I won't open the door.        3:00 P.M

3:05 P.M        Yah!! What about your food?


I put my phone down and looked at the computer screen which I had opened a long time ago. I put on my headphone again and started to make the middle part of the beat as I had finished the ending part yesterday. 

It was now 4:00 and my stomach was growling. I picked up my phone and ordered noodles as I only had money for that. The food arrived and I paid the person. I ate the noodles and then continued my work. Thankfully, Bang PD had installed a water dispenser in our studio so I don't have to go outside every time just to drink a cup of water.


"Yay!!!" I said shouting. Finally, the beat was ready and I was so happy. I picked up my phone and saw 20 messages from Joon and 10 missed calls. I dismissed all of them and looked at the time.

Oh no! I have to sleep in the studio again. It was 3 A.M right now and I have just eaten a box of noodles and drank water only. I sighed and looked at the computer I saved the beat thrice on different folders and I also copied it in my USB just incase. Then I shut the system down and made my way towards the couch.

I laid there and thought of what had happened today. I still didn't knew why Yoongi got so angry that he glared at me and slammed the door harshly. Thinking about that, sleep came to me and I closed my heavy eye lids.


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