Chapter 24: Justin

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"AHHHHH!" The loud voice coming from one of the dorm room woke up the members. It was evening right now and the members were resting as they had their concert that night and they had arrived back to their dorms to rest after a very hectic rehearsals.

"What happened? Who was it?" Namjoon said coming out of his room followed by Jin. Both were very confused and worried as to why a member was shouting.

Soon the new couple also came out of their room and only Taehyung's and Jungkook's room was left.

"I hope they are not injured." Jimin said. Namjoon looked at him confused.

"Why would they be injured?" 

"Well, a fan gave Kookie a virtual game and it had a gear and stuff. Jin-hyung knows about it, right?" Jimin said.

"Yeah and you nearly murdered me with that!" Jin said angrily.

"You were the one coming close to me. It isn't my fault." Jimin said and crossed his arms while pouting. Namjoon sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Seriously tell me why were you both presented as Alphas?" Namjoon said and huffed.

"I know right? Like sometimes I think that I am the Alpha." Hoseok said and scoffed. Jimin and Yoongi chuckled at that and Jimin smirked.

"Oh are you sure? Cuz last night you were not acting as an Alpha." Jimin said and Hoseok's eyes widened and he blushed looking down. The other four laughed at him. Their laughter was cut when they heard crying coming from Taekook's room. They all rushed towards the room and opened the door quickly and piled inside. 

Jungkook was crying on the bed with his head on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung looked very annoyed and it looked like he was ready to murder someone. He was shushing Jungkook and cradling his head in his hands.

"It's ok Kookie. You have me right? So what if he has gotten married. You have many others too. Please don't cry, baby." Taehyung said. Hoseok quickly walked towards the couple and sat beside Jungkook. He put a hand on his shoulder  and Jungkook shifted from Taehyung to Hoseok. Hoseok brushed his hand over Jungkook's hair in an attempt to make him stop crying. He had also released his calming scent which relaxed Jungkook a bit.

"Taehyung, why is he crying? Did you do something?" Jin asked.

"It might seem a bit stupid to you all." Taehyung said smiling and scratching the back of his head.

"It is not stupid!" Jungkook yelled and Taehyung flinched at that. The members sighed and looked at Taehyung.

"Tell us." Namjoon said with his hand folded over his chest.

"Justin Bieber got married to Hailey Baldwin." Taehyung completed and Jungkook's sobs intensified.

"My crush got married!"

"What the ffff..." Namjoon said but stopped.

"The hell? You are crying because bieber got married? I was woken up from my precious sleep because of this? Unbelievable." Yoongi said and huffed. He put his hands on his hips and looked at Jungkook angrily.

"Unbelibubble." Jin said and laughed. Jimin chuckled at him. 

"God! I am stuck between some insane people! Why, why me?" Yoongi said and looked up, his action telling that he was asking the question to the god.

"You are an atheist Yoongs! The peeps above won't listen." Jimin said. This caused the members including Jungkook to laugh. Yoongi huffed and exited the room while stomping his feet.

"I am gonna go and check up on him." Jimin said. He walked towards Hoseok and pecked his forehead and then exited the room. There was silence in the room for some time.

"So, who wants pancakes and hot chocolate?" Jin said excited after some time. Namjoon, Tae and Hoseok raised their hands.

"Ohhh, so Jungkook doesn't want pancakes and hot chocolate?" Jin said with a pout. Jungkook sniffled and nodded.

"Want." He said. Jungkook had now separated himself from Hoseok. He was sitting in between Hoseok and Taehyung with his hands on his lap and his head down.

"If you want them you have to show us your bestest smile!" Hoseok said in a childish voice. Jungkook didn't smile and remained like that. Hoseok grabbed his chin and made him look at him.

"I didn't see a smile." Hoseok said. When Jungkook didn't respond he made him look at his eyes and then continued.

"I can see a smile. Just there. Right there, there on the most prettiest face ever." Hoseok said and Jungkook smiled at him when he heard his words.

"There you go!" Jin said and chuckled. He then exited the room to make some evening snacks. Hoseok too got up.

"I am leaving. Come down to the living room after washing your face okay? And don't worry, you still have Charlie." Hoseok said and winked at Jungkook. Then he exited the room leaving the two mates with each other.


This is just a filler chapter. Next chapter, BTS will meet their parents and I just wanna say, get ready.

Next Chapter will be next week. Check out my other story 'Color Blind'.

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